Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Jun 26

Great is the Lord

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are finishing our series on the Psalms this morning by looking at Psalm 145, one of the greatest songs of praise in the entire Bible. In it, we are taught to revel in the character and deeds of the Infinite, Powerful, and Good King of all creation, that there is no one and no thing like Him in the entire universe and that to give our praise to Him is to enter joy, security, and life itself.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 145
Jun 20

Vision for Spiritual Legacy

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are in the home stretch of our 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. Today, Psalm 78 speaks into our lives, encouraging us to remember God’s patient work in our lives and especially how we ought to invest in passing on His truth to the generations that follow us it lays out a vision for spiritual legacy.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 78
Jun 12

Living with Mortality in Light of Eternity

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are in the home stretch of our 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. This morning we will reflect on the major themes of Psalm 90…God is infinite, we are not. God is holy, we are not. Life is brief and life is hard. If God does not intervene to redeem the situation, there is no hope. But, praise God, He is a God of mercy and grace, actively redeeming that which has been broken, ultimately through the person and work of Jesus Christ!

Audio | Notes | Psalm 90
Jun 5

Thirsting for God

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Psalms: Songs for Life

This week, we will consider the major themes of Psalm 63 and what it means to thirst after God with a soul-engaging, life-shaping worship and delight. There is a thirst in every person that only God can fill and satisfy. It’s as we drink more deeply of who God is that we begin to experience life as it was intended to be – in joy, in delight, and in worship!

Audio | Notes | Psalm 63
May 30

My Soul Waits for God Alone

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Psalms: Songs for Life

We are half way through our 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and revel in the majesty of God. This morning we will be asking the questions: where do we look for ultimate hope and security in life? How is God a better and stronger hope than anything else we find in the world? How can we then respond to him in full hearted trust and worship?

Audio | Notes | Psalm 62
May 22

The Heart of Repentance

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Psalms: Songs for Life

This morning we’re looking at one of the most well known Psalms in the Bible, Psalm 51. In this Psalm David opens the proverbial lid on his heart and gives us a brutally honest picture of how he views his sin in light of God’s righteousness. Through it we see a beautiful picture of the mercy, grace, forgiveness, and the redemption that God offers to those who repent of their sin.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 51
May 15

The Glory of the Lord

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Psalms: Songs for Life

This morning, we look at Psalm 19. In this song, David considers the revelation of God and his prayerful response. He gives us a picture of what creation reveals about the glory and majesty of God, what the scriptures teach us on the perfection, holiness, and righteousness of God, and then how we (as God’s people) reflect and respond to Him in our lives.

Audio | Notes
May 9

God’s Ways Are Perfect

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm


We are continuing our new 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and jolt us out of our complacency to revel in the majesty of God. They speak to us as whole people as they inform our minds, stir our affections, direct our steps, and capture our imaginations. This morning,we are in Psalm 18. In this song of David,he seems to burst forth with great energy, spontaneously pouring out of his heart a song of affection, confidence, and rejoicing in the perfect ways of his loving God.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 18
May 1

Resting in God’s Sovereign Goodness

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

Last week, we began a brand new 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. For millennia, the Psalms have served as the songbook for God’s people. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and jolt us out of our complacency to revel in the majesty of God. This morning, we continue with Psalm 2 as the psalmist beautifully and poetically calls us to joyfully trust in the sovereign goodness of the rule and reign of Jesus.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 2
Apr 24

Planted in God

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Psalms: Songs for Life

This morning we are beginning a brand new 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. For millennia, the Psalms have served as the songbook for God’s people. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and jolt us out of our complacency to revel in the majesty of God. They speak to us as whole people as they inform our minds, stir our affections, direct our steps, and capture our imaginations. They are perpetually popular because they are perpetually relevant, speaking to every area of life. In this way, they are songs for life; songs that give us words for how to go to God with life and all that it throws at us. This morning, we begin in Psalm 1.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 1