Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Jun 9

What Are You Building Your Life On?

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus concludes his heart-tenderizing “Sermon on the Plain”. As he closes, he gets us to consider what we’re building our lives on—hearing alone, or hearing and heeding. Everything, in this life and the next, depends on our answer.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:46-49
Jun 2

Our Lives Flow from our Hearts

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus continues his heart-tenderizing “Sermon on the Plain,” a shortened version of his “Sermon on the Mount” (Mt. 5-7). Here he emphasizes that our lives flow from our hearts, for good or ill. What is flowing out of you?

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:43-45
May 26

How To Handle The Sin Of Others

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus continues his “Sermon on the Plain”, a shortened version of his “Sermon on the Mount” (Mt. 5-7). Here he emphasizes that how we handle the sin of others always begins with our own hearts.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:37-42
May 19

Love Your Enemies

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus continues his “Sermon on the Plain”, a shortened version of his “Sermon on the Mount” (Mt. 5-7). Here he delivers his most difficult command: Love your enemies. Or, differently, the love of his people is to be extra-ordinary.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:27-36
May 12

Faith That Withholds Nothing

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

Today we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at the maturing faith of Abraham in response to God’s command to sacrifice Isaac, the son of promise.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:17-19
May 5

Seeking a Homeland

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

We continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at the obedient faith of Abraham and Sarah that led them from all they knew to a pilgrimage seeking an inheritance formed by God himself.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:8-16
Apr 28

A Tale Of Two Hearts

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus preaches his second recorded sermon in Luke’s Gospel, a shortened version of his “Sermon on the Mount” (Mt. 5-7). As he opens, he vividly highlights that our deepest good depends on our heart’s deepest trust in God.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:17-26
Apr 21

How God’s Kingdom Advances

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. In our passage today, Jesus pulls an all-nighter in prayer and selects his twelve apostles. While short, this passage is packed. In it, we get firsthand insight into how God’s kingdom advances, namely, thru ordinary disciples fueled by prayer.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:12-16
Apr 15

The Life-Giving Lord of the Sabbath

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of his life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today he has yet another conflict with the Pharisees, this time, over the nature of the Sabbath, which was the great sign of the old covenant between God and his people. Here we unexpectedly learn that Jesus is the life-giving Lord of the Sabbath.

Audio | Notes | Luke 6:1-11
Apr 7

Noah’s Reverent and Active Faith

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Hebrews 11

We continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we consider the example of Noah, whose reverent and active faith serves as an example of how we, as heirs of righteousness by faith, are to live today in light of Christ’s future return.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:7