Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Sep 13

A Warning to the Rich

, James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We return to our study of James and begin the last chapter, James 5:1-6. James speaks on the topic of money and its potential for being a serious, soul-damaging snare to our soul. This is a deeply personal, yet deeply practical word for us. James' pastoral teaching helps us be honest with ourselves, for our own good, by looking at different areas of our life and revealing what those areas say about the condition of our hearts.

Audio | James 5:1-6
Sep 6

What is Your Life?

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


The letter of James is the oldest, most practical letter in the New Testament. James was an Apostle, pastor and half-brother of Jesus. His letter is filled with pastoral exhortations to “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” (1:22) But, his goal is not merely to put us in our place by telling us what to do. Rather, his aim is to help us be honest with ourselves, for our own good, by showing us that being fully human is not found in doing whatever we want, but in living out of a real, whole- hearted, vital relationship with God. Today, in a very practical and deeply relevant section (4:13-17), James helps us work out how we understand the world and ourselves within it.

Audio | James 4:13-17
Aug 30

He Gives More Grace

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in James 4:1-12, we reach the thematic center of the letter. As we’ve seen, James’ major concern for us is that we are growing in a whole-hearted relationship with Jesus. It is easy to think that God is merely after our morality, attendance, niceness or ritual. But, He’s not. He wants us. He wants our hearts. In this section, James offers a spiritual diagnostic of our souls, examines our sinful condition, diagnoses the source, and offers God’s gracious cure.

Audio | James 4:1-12
Aug 23

Wisdom From Above

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we’re picking up where we left off in the letter of James, 3:13-18. As we’ve seen, James’ major concern for us is that we are growing in a whole-hearted relationship with Jesus. It is easy to think that God is merely after our morality, attendance, niceness or ritual. But, He’s not. He wants us. He wants our hearts. So, James wrote this letter urging us to move beyond lip-service, box-checking and pretense to the real deal. His entire letter is filled with examples of what a true, living faith looks like in the every day. Today we reach the all-important, yet often neglected, topic of wisdom. We all need it, but where do we find it?

Audio | James 3:13-18
Aug 16

The Power of the Gospel

Media, Other Sermons | by Claude Atcho

Other Sermons
In the church, we are regularly and rightly encouraged to reflect on the Gospel personally and share the Gospel actively. But what happens when we find we have less confidence in the power of the Gospel that we thought? What happens when we are more ashamed of the Good News than we knew? Romans 1:15-16 shows us that the key to these common struggles in the Christian life are remedied when we see the unique power and scope of the Gospel as the power of God.

Audio | Romans 1:15-16
Aug 9

Taming the Tongue

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we are jumping back into the letter of James after taking a six week break to walk through our Disciple: Living for Jesus series. We will be picking up where we left off in James 3:1-12. As we’ve seen, James is primarily concerned that we are growing in whole-hearted, full-throttled, sincere relationship with Jesus- not merely playing religious pat-a-cake or pretend Christianity. Today, he turns his attention to our tongues and the importance of our words.

Audio | James 3:1-12
Aug 2

Disciple: The Living Church

Disciple: Living For Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Disciple: Living For Jesus

Over the last 5 weeks, we’ve been unpacking what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and what it practically looks like to follow Him in our everyday lives. As the good news of the gospel penetrates into our hearts and lives, it makes us a new people who are zealous for good works, and growing in their love for God and others. Today, we’re going to wrap up this series and see how our discipleship isn’t something that takes place in isolation, but something that God designed to be worked out in the context of the local church.

Audio | 1 Corinthians 12:1-27
Jul 26

Learners: Living Trust

Disciple: Living For Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Disciple: Living For Jesus

In the second half of our Disciple: Living for Jesus series we look at what it is to grow in trusting Jesus as learners. We are all learning from something, we all have a dominant shaping force in our lives. In 2 Peter 1:3-12 Peter reminds us that learning is more than doing, it is knowing who Jesus is. We look at why we learn from Jesus, what we learn from Jesus, how to learn from Jesus, and barriers and application to learning.

Audio | 2 Peter 1:3-12
Jul 19

Servants: Living Sacrifices

Disciple: Living For Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Disciple: Living For Jesus

This morning we are continuing our six-week summer series called Disciple: Living for Jesus. Our ongoing hope in this series is to provide some theological handles for understanding who we are 'in Christ' and some practical applications for living in light of that. Last week we looked at what it means to be a sent people here in Seattle, and today, we will continue our study and consider how the gospel compels us to serve others for the glory of Christ as living sacrifices.

Audio | Romans 12:1
Jul 12

Missionary: Living Sent

, Disciple: Living For Jesus, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Disciple: Living For Jesus

This morning we are continuing our six-week summer series called Disciple: Living for Jesus. Our on going hope in this series is to provide some theological handles for understanding who we are 'in Christ' and some practical applications for living in light of that. Last week we looked at how the gospel brings us together as a new people, and today, we will continue our study and examine what it means to live as sent people here in Seattle.

Audio | 2 Corinthians 5:14-21