Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Sep 14

The End. The Beginning: Part I

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, we reach what is probably the most debated passage of the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 13:1-23, we will see that Jesus is discussing the future (from their vantage point) destruction of Jerusalem (13:5-31) and next week we will hear about his second coming (13:32-37). He is bracing his disciples for a major reorientation in the course of redemptive history that will be brought about through the destruction of Jerusalem and the very centerpiece of Jewish identity, the temple. But this is not merely about historical events, there’s also a lot here for us too.

Audio | Mark 13:1-23
Sep 7

A Sovereign Savior, Religious Hypocrites, and a Poor Widow

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Jesus and his disciples have joined the hundreds of thousands that have flocked to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual passover. Last week, we saw every major Jewish sect sent a delegation to trap Jesus with their questions. It did’t work. In fact, Jesus responded so clearly and definitively that “no one dared to ask him any more questions.” Today, in Mark 12:35-44, Jesus goes on the offense, no longer answering questions but asking them. Now, at first glance, the three scenes we are going to look at today seem completely unrelated but at a deeper level there is a powerful connection.

Audio | Mark 12:35-44
Sep 1

Untrappable Love

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This week, in Mark 12:13-34, Jesus continues to face opposition from Jewish religious ruling authorities. In this section, Jesus is approached three times, each by a distinct group, with a question intended to trap him. These groups include the Pharisees and Herodians (v13-17),the Sadducees (v18-27), and a scribe (v28-34). This section shows us that we can have Jesus standing right in front of us and yet we still miss him. Do you see him?

Audio | Mark 12:13-34
Aug 24

The Authority of Jesus

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in Mark 11:27-12:12, we discuss the authority of Jesus. The authority Jesus exercised in his actions and during his teaching simultaneously astonished many, while infuriating others. Where did he get the authority to say the things he said and to do the things he did? This is an incredibly relevant issue as all of life, whether we realize it or not, rests on authority. We all have someone or something we trust in as the final determiner of what is true and good. Who or what has ultimate authority in your life?

Audio | Mark 11:27-12:12
Aug 17

Faith in God and Mountain-Moving Prayer

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In Mark 11:22-25 Jesus contrasts His prior rebuke against the temple and the faithlessness it had come to represent with a simple yet profound lesson on faith in God and mountain moving prayer. Jesus commands only to,”have faith in God”, but within that command we are required to ask what we believe of God, faith, and the condition of our hearts. Jesus then encourages that out of confident trust comes heartfelt prayer, and tells us to pray big prayers with the comfort that He will answer. Through this story we are again reminded that God does not want merely right actions, He wants our hearts; not religious ritual but real relationship.

Audio | Mark 11:22-25
Aug 10

The King Arrives

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we are in Mark 11:1-22. In the first of six chapters that record the last seven days of Jesus' life, Mark tells two stories that frame the rest of the Gospel. Jesus makes a triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and declares who He is. The next day, he overturns the temple and proclaims why He came. Through these accounts we must too, ask if Jesus is our king, and look ahead to a second entrance when Jesus returns as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Audio | Mark 11:1-22
Aug 3

Jesus and Justice

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Every Square Inch

In the final segment of our six week series, we discuss Jesus and justice. God calls us to be just and merciful to our neighbors and to provide unbegrudgingly to those in need with open hand (Dt 15:7-11). We are motivated to do so by God's incomprehensible mercy and great love, that while we were still dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ (Eph 2:1-2,4-9).

Jul 27

Jesus and Technology

, Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Every Square Inch

In the fifth segment of our six week series, we learn how Jesus shapes our view and use of technology. Technology, or any human activity that uses tools to transform God's creation for a practical purpose, is an extension of God's command to develop the resources of the natural world. After the fall, man's desire to create and advance continued, but in sin we no longer also desire God's glory. Technology becomes our idol and enables a constant distraction without the power of the gospel to set us free. In Christ we see that any claim to power, pleasure, or promise technology may give is a lie, and move it back to it's proper place in our lives.

Jul 13

Jesus and Work

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Every Square Inch

In the third segment of this series, we look at the way Jesus' sovereign lordship shapes the way we work. Work is anything that utilizes the way God has gifted us to cultivate or improve the world around us. From creation, we see that God was the first worker, and gave man a job to continue cultivating the earth. Once man sinned, however, work was cursed, and now we sinfully either make work itself our god, or work only to enable our other gods. The good news is that when Jesus came, he redeemed our work, and through the cross our work finds restoration and the hope of a risen Lord.

Jul 6

Jesus and Art

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Every Square Inch

This morning, in the second week of our new series, we look at the topics of art, beauty, and creativity. God is author of all creation and is the source and inspiration of our creative desires. We were created in God's image to testify of his glory and majesty but due to our sinful, selfish desires, we became allured by a competing beauty. Christ came to redeem us from our fallen state, was pierced for our transgressions, defeated death by rising on the third day, and will return again ushering in the dawn of a new heaven and a new earth in which there is eternal life.
