Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Jun 29

Jesus And Rest

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Every Square Inch

This morning we start a new series called Every Square Inch. In the first sermon of this series, we look at Jesus' sovereign lordship over life in the topic of rest. God built time for rest into the created order, but since we sinned, rest has become a subject of idolatry. We either idolize work, and never rest, or idolize rest, and hardly work. Either way, we learn in Matthew 11:28-30 that true rest is not the presence or absence of activity, but a condition of heart that only Jesus can give.

Audio | Matthew 11:28-30
Jun 22

Blind Bartimaeus

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we reach the end of the tenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 10:46-52) and the last passage before Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (11:1-11). Today, we meet a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. What we’ll see is that this story isn’t really about a blind man 2,000 years ago. This story is about us, our profound need and Jesus’ amazing grace.

Audio | Mark 10:46-52
Jun 15

True Greatness II

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In our section this week, Mark 10:32-45, Jesus gives us another lesson in what it means to be truly great. Its important to point out that Jesus doesn’t offer this lesson because he has more to add to his previous teaching but rather the disciples just weren’t getting it. They needed to hear it more than once – just like us. Today, Jesus teaches us that having a worldview with a God who dies for his enemies at the center changes (literally) everything, especially how we understand what it means to be great.

Audio | Mark 10:32-45
Jun 8

The Rich Young Ruler

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This week in Mark 10:13-31, Jesus gives us a lesson on what it takes to enter the kingdom of God. Our hearts must be as a child – helpless, needy, and dependent. The story of the rich young ruler follows as an example. Focused on what he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven, the young ruler is confident in his own works. Jesus, as usual, addresses his heart, and the one thing he holds higher than God. Through this account, we are reminded to be aware of running from God by attempting to work our way to Him, and miss ever knowing God at all.

Audio | Mark 10:13-31
Jun 1

Marriage and Divorce

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In our section today, Jesus leaves the region of Galilee and crosses into Judea, the region surrounding Jerusalem. In Mark 10:1-12, he is confronted (again) by Pharisees who are looking to trap him. This time, their trap involves the controversial and much debated topic of divorce. Marriage, divorce, and remarriage in Jesus’ day were matters of controversy, just like in our day. Even though the events described in our passage today occurred 2,000 years ago they could hardly be more relevant.

Audio | Mark 10:1-12
May 25

The Long War

, Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This week we are back in Mark 9:42-50 to look at Jesus' words regarding the seriousness of sin. Jesus gives us three warnings that address three particular areas of danger. He warns against putting the followers of Jesus at risk for sin, putting ourselves at risk for sin, and loosing our saltiness. Through all of these warnings Jesus calls us to hearts that honor Him over everything else, and to persevere in faith, considering ourselves a living sacrifice in worship to our King.

Audio | Mark 9:42-50
May 18

The Unquenchable Fire

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


At this point in the story, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and is only months out from his death and resurrection. His public ministry is largely complete and he is now focused on training his disciples. So far, Jesus has given them lessons on the nature of faith and true greatness. Today, in Mark 9:42-50, Jesus raises two more important topics – the seriousness of sin and the reality of hell. Today, we will work through the humbling and horrible reality of hell. What did Jesus say and believe about hell? How should we understand and respond to it?

Audio | Mark 9:42-50
May 11

True Greatness

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Our hearts are hard wired for greatness. We all desire to live lives well spent. Jesus addresses this desire in Mark 9:30-41. The disciples are arguing over who is greatest among them, and Jesus uses the opportunity to teach them and us the meaning of true greatness. He who would be great must be last and servant of all. Jesus wants to turn our thinking right side up and seek the blessing of God and flourishing of others over ourselves.

Audio | Mark 9:30-41
May 4

“I believe; help my unbelief!”

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


The first half of the book of Mark (1-8) primarily deals with the person of Jesus, while the back half (8-16) primarily deals with the purpose of Jesus. In chapter eight, Peter rightly identifies Jesus as the Christ, but Jesus turns their understanding of what that means upside-down by explaining that he must be betrayed, suffer, die and rise again. For the rest of Mark’s Gospel we follow Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. On his way, he spends focused time training his disciples – and us – on some crucial topics before he is gone. Today’s lesson from Mark 9:14-32, through a miraculous rescue of a demon possessed boy, is on faith – specifically, we learn about the focus of faith, the measure of faith and the nature of faith.

Audio | Mark 9:14-32
Apr 27

The Glory of Jesus

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker


Today, we’re going to look at the account of the transfiguration as recorded in Mark 9:2-13. Apart from the resurrection, it’s probably one of the most spectacular sections of the Gospel account. This is where we get a glimpse into the Glory of Jesus that He gave His disciples and us. But why is it so important? What does it actually mean? And what are we suppose to learn from it? We'll learn how Jesus is the object, key, and power of our worship, and how that shapes our lives.

Audio | Mark 9:2-13