Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Mar 2

The Revolutionary Good Shepherd

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today in Mark 6:30-44, we reach one of Jesus’ best known miracles: the feeding of the 5,000. This particular miracle had such an impact that its one of the only miracles that each of the Gospels record and in many ways, this miracle is the grand finale of Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee. In our passage today, Mark is unmistakably helping us see that Jesus is a revolutionary good shepherd – and that changes everything about everything.

Audio | Mark 6:30-44
Feb 23

Mission and Martyrs

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Mark is making it clear that unbelief, rejection, and hostility are the context in which Jesus’ mission advances. We forget how helpful this would have been to Mark’s first readers in Rome as they underwent their own persecution. Today, in Mark 6:7-30, we get insight into the basic anatomy of Jesus’ mission – and our role in it. Up until now the disciples have been extras and bystanders, but that is all about to change.

Audio | Mark 6:7-30
Feb 16

Amazing Unbelief

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In Mark 6:1-6 we see Jesus as the subject of both radical belief and radical rejection. Not just a product of a modern mindset, the message of Jesus has always been offensive to some. If we are to truly understand, however, who Jesus is, then we must confront His offensiveness and wrestle with our own unbelief.

Audio | Mark 6:1-6
Feb 9

Amazing grace, providential delays and death-defying love

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in Mark 5:21-43, Jesus and his disciples return to Capernaum. What follows, upon arrival, are two powerful stories of healing and hope. Both stories in this passage are about fear, faith, and how trusting Jesus leads us from one to the other. Through these eye witness accounts we see the amazing grace of Jesus displayed powerfully through healing and resurrection.

Audio | Mark 5:21-43
Feb 2

Tell them how much the Lord has done for you

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This week in Mark 5:1-20 we hear the eyewitness account of a man demonized to the point of self-destruction. Through the description of this man's broken condition, we see parallel to our own hearts, and look to Jesus' unique power and authority to save and heal.

Audio | Mark 5:1-20
Jan 26

The Lord of the Storm

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, we’re jumping right back in where we left off: Mark 4:35-41. In this section we get another eye-witness account of the life of Jesus, one that involves a Galilean hurricane. The purpose of this story is not to highlight some virtue, like in Aesop’s Fables. Rather, Mark is continuing to pull back the curtain to reveal more and more of who Jesus was – and is. Today, he offers us additional insight into the unique identity of Jesus and, in this case, how it specifically applies to our fears, big and small.

Audio | Mark 4:35-41
Jan 19

The Sanctity of Human Life

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Other Sermons
This week is Sanctification of Life Sunday, and we take a brief break from the Mark series on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade to take a deeper look at abortion. Not just a merely political issue, we discuss what God says about what it means to be human, the beginning of human life, what abortion really is, and how the gospel shapes our response.

Audio | Notes

Jan 12

Dynamics of the Kingdom of God

Mark, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today in Mark 4:21-34, we have three short parables that communicate one unique idea each about the kingdom of God. Simply put, the kingdom of God refers to the rule and presence of God over the hearts and lives of his people, by his Spirit. Jesus claimed to be leading the in-breaking of the kingdom as the long-awaited and much-anticipated King of Kings. In our parables today Jesus highlights three aspects, or dynamics, of the kingdom. This is incredibly encouraging as Jesus is helping us understand how God is at work in our lives and in our world – even today and, perhaps more profoundly, how we can be a part of it.

Audio | Mark 4:21-34
Jan 5

How the Surpassing Worth of Christ Shapes our Future

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
When it comes to the future most of us like the idea of being at a future destination, but we don’t necessarily like the process of getting there. It’s the prize that motivates us to persevere to push on. What we unpack this morning in Philippians 3 is that the same attitude is true with our spiritual journey. We often can envision ourselves at a future reality, a better place, but how do we get there? More importantly, how does knowing the surpassing worth of Christ instruct us and guide us on that journey?

Audio | Philippians 3:12-14
Dec 29

How the Surpassing Knowledge of Christ Shapes our Past

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
We all have a past, it’s unavoidable. Everyday we make decision in light of what we believe is true, and what will often bring us the most joy and happiness. But we can also hold onto our past, live in fear of our past, or live trying to make up for the past. The only way we can let go of and put our past in perspective, is by letting the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, His righteousness, His suffering, and His resurrection, shape, and interpret all of our past success, failures, and the failures of others. Today Pastor David Parker uses Phillipians 3:7-11 to guide us in our understanding of knowing Christ's power in our lives.

Audio | Philippians 3:7-11