Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Aug 12

Our City

Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series
The gospel of Jesus Christ is intended to take root in specific local contexts. For us, that’s the city of Seattle. This week we’ll discuss our missional context. Why are we here? Why are cities important? What are the unique challenges and blessings of the city? How do we best take the unchanging truth of the gospel into our ever-changing culture? We’ll also review the history of Christianity in Seattle and our role in Jesus’ continuing story today.

Aug 6

Our Mission

Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series
What then is our mission? Why do we exist? How do we measure success? The Bible is clear that we are saved to be sent across the street, and around the world, with the life-changing news of the gospel of Jesus. But, how do we do that? We’ll also talk about our local and global mission of planting churches in our city and the cities of the world.

Jul 30

Our Gospel

Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series
After discussing our God and our Bible we will move on to explore God’s redemptive plan through the person and work of Jesus Christ (aka the gospel). We’ll look at the gospel from Genesis to Revelation through the lens of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation. We will also discuss how the gospel applies to both believers and unbelievers, giving shape to our daily lives and decisions.

Jul 23

Our God

Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series
Who is God? What is he like? How many gods are there? How can we know that God exists? Where do we see the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in the Bible? What has the church historically believed about God? Understanding God biblically is the starting place for being in relationship with him and his people.

Jul 16

Our Bible

, Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series
The second week we’ll look at the Bible. What is it? How do we know we can trust it? How did we get it? Why do need it? What do we do with it? What role should it play in our daily lives? This should be a very practical week and serve to boost your confidence in God’s Word. We start with the Bible because it is here that we learn about who God is, what he is like and how we can know him.

Jul 9

What it Means to Believe, Be and Belong

, Media, Membership Series, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Membership Series

This is week #1 of our Church Membership series: What is the church? What is church membership? Why join a church? We also look at common objections to church membership and how to become a member of Downtown Cornerstone.

Jul 2

The Story Continues

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 28 we see that God’s Kingdom advances through unlikely people, impossible situations and an unbelievable gospel. The book of Acts may end, but the story that began in Acts continues to this day – and we get to help write it.

Audio | Acts 28
Jun 24

His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Media, Other Sermons

There is one thing in the world, one thing, that if we knew for certain, would absolutely change the way we went about everything in life. One thing, that if we could be certain about it, would bring about so much more clarity and peace about everything else in life. And that one thing is this: Does God love me?

Audio | Psalm 107
Jun 18

The Lord of the Storm

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Acts 27 contains one of the most famous shipwreck accounts of classical antiquity as the Apostle Paul makes his way to Rome. What do we learn here? He is sovereign over our storms, at work amidst our storms, near during our storms, trustworthy in our storms, and will deliver us through our storms. Jesus is the Lord of our storms.

Audio | Acts 27
Jun 11

Basic Christianity

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Acts 26 contains, without question, one of the most stirring and magnificent summaries of Christianity. Christianity is not a code of ethics, morality, philosophy, or self-help. At the heart of Christianity is a man who claims to be God, offers to open our eyes, transfer us from darkness to light, forgive our sin and gives us a place among his people.

Audio | Acts 26