Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Sep 3

God’s Faithfulness from Beginning to End

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh


Today we finish our series in Joshua, where we have seen that God has been faithful from the beginning to the end. At the end of his life, Joshua calls Israel to serve the Lord wholeheartedly because of God’s gracious work on their behalf. God has been faithful, and the question remains: Will God’s people remain faithful, or will they return to the worship of idols?

Audio | Notes | Joshua 24:1-33
Aug 27

Be Very Careful, Therefore, To Love the Lord

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. Over 20 years have passed since the events of the previous chapter. Joshua is close to death and summons the leaders of Israel to share some final words of wisdom and concern for the people he loves. Words that are relevant to us.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 23:1-16
Aug 20

(Almost) War Between Brothers

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Marco Ribeiro


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. After the war is supposedly over, nine and a half tribes get ready to go to war against their brothers over the threat of idolatry. Chapter 22 emphasizes the importance of corporate solidarity, and God’s faithfulness in keeping his people together.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 22:1-34
Aug 13

Inhabiting the Promises

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. The conquest is complete and the land lays subdued before the people. Now they must do the work of possessing this their new home. We will ask how the people then and we today can faithfully live into the astounding promises of God.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 13:1-21:45
Aug 6

God Gives His People Rest

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. The conquest of Canaan is completed in Joshua chapter 11, as God gives his people victory, rest, and the promised land as their possession. The summaries in chapters 11 and 12 highlight God’s faithfulness to all of his promises, and point to the future rest God’s people will receive in Christ. 

Audio | Notes | Joshua 11:1-12:24
Jul 30

The Lord Fights for You

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. In chapter 10, the Lord fights for Israel and brings a complete victory over the southern kingdoms of Canaan, demonstrating his sovereignty over all creation, his victory over all his enemies, and his Lordship over all kingdoms – and calls us to trust him, to fight sin in his strength, and to submit our lives under his Lordship.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 10:1-43
Jul 23

“Behold, We Are In Your Hand”

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. Joshua and the leaders of Israel are duped into making a foolish mistake. In today’s passage we face deception, discontent, and the challenge of keeping covenant. Through it, though, we will become better acquainted with God’s mercy and deliverance.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 9:1-27
Jul 16

The Battle of Restoration

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. Joshua and the people of Israel are coming out of their first reckoning with sin and failure. How will God respond? Will the people continue to trust in their Lord? We will look at the roles God’s grace, holiness, and our faith have in restoration.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 8:1-35
Jul 9

Hidden Sin in the Camp

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises, as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. In chapter 7, Israel goes from victory to defeat because of hidden sin in the camp. God reveals that sin, even when hidden, causes severe consequences and corrupts the life of God’s people. Because God takes sin seriously, we should too.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 7:1-26
Jul 2

God’s Faithfulness on Display in Jericho

Joshua, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh


We continue our series in Joshua, which details God’s faithfulness to his promises as he brings Israel into their inheritance in the land of Canaan. In chapter 6, Israel takes the city of Jericho through unusual means, highlighting God’s presence and power. Because God is faithful to his word, his judgment, and his mercy—we should live in faithful obedience, repentance, and life-long devotion.

Audio | Notes | Joshua 6:1-27