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Oct 8

Christ Alone

Discovering Grace, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Discovering Grace

This month marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. In light of that, we are walking through a five-week series called Discovering Grace. This series will be based on the five “Solas” of the Reformation (Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, and Soli Deo Gloria). Today, in Galatians 1:1-9, we move into our second week with Solus Christus (Christ Alone).

Audio | Notes | Galatians 1:1-9
Oct 1

Scripture Alone

, Discovering Grace, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Discovering Grace

This month marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. In light of that, we are walking through a five-week series called Discovering Grace. This series will be based on the five “Solas” of the Reformation (Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, and Soli Deo Gloria). Today, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we begin with the all-important Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone).

Audio | Notes | 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Sep 24

An Undivided Heart For God

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Other Sermons

We all experience the tension of priorities. School, family, career, hobbies, relationships – so many things to balance and juggle. And where does God actually fit into all this? The affections of our heart dictate the priorities of our lives and the hope of our soul. We dig into the life of David this morning to answer the primary question – how can we begin to cultivate undivided hearts for God? The answer is in surrender.

Audio | Notes | Acts 13:16-23
Sep 17

Indwelt By Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are concluding our sermon series, “In Christ: What it means to belong to God.” The primary question this series aimed to answer is, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. This relational union is so rich that we’ve taken five weeks to explore it together. Today, we consider how Jesus’ people are not only “in Christ” but Christ is “in them.”

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:9-11
Sep 10

Belonging to Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” Today, in John 17:20-26, we consider how Jesus’ people belong to God and are, therefore, considered one with him.

Audio | Notes | John 17:20-26
Sep 3

Present with Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” Today, in Ephesians 2:4-6, we consider how Jesus’ people are present with him and, therefore, given the privilege of personal access to God.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 2:4-6
Aug 27

Found In Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. Today, in Galatians 2:20, we consider how Jesus’ people are found in him, personally and profoundly united to him by faith.

Audio | Notes | Galatians 2:20
Aug 20

Represented by Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are beginning a brand new sermon series, “In Christ: What it means to belong to God.” The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. Today, we consider how Jesus represents his people and, in so doing, gives us a new life-proof identity.

Audio | Notes | Romans 5:12-21
Aug 13

Wait and Hope

Media, Psalms: Songs of Ascent, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Psalms: Songs of Ascent

Today we are finishing our 4-part summer series in the Psalms of Ascent, in Psalm 130. This psalm is a psalm of repentance, and while repentance can be a loaded word, the truth is in our culture, we are always repenting, looking to turn from our problems and to some new, better solution. Psalm 130 gives us a different picture of what repentance is though, it argues that what we should turn to isn’t another solution, but a person. And our turning to new solutions will never give us the rest we’re looking for, until we turn to God.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 130
Aug 6

Unless the Lord Builds the House

Media, Psalms: Songs of Ascent, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Psalms: Songs of Ascent

Today we cross the half-way point for our short four part series on the Psalms of Ascent with Psalm 127. This Psalm is immensely practical for us today, because it gets to the heart of the two areas of life that often demand the most attention; our work and our family. In the text today, we’ll look at how the sovereign hand of the Lord is involved in all of our endeavors, and then we’ll examine how that affects the way we think about our labors, our sleep, our families and ultimately the Gospel.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 127