Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Nov 1

Women and Femininity

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

Last week in our series “On Being Human” we discussed men and masculinity. This week we get to discuss the topic of women and femininity. The pivotal questions we shall investigate are: What does it mean to be a woman? What is biblical femininity? How does a woman fulfill her God-given calling as a woman? We once again return to the garden, where we see God create woman from man, and establishing her as helper and companion to Adam.

Audio | Genesis 1-3
Oct 25

Men and Masculinity

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

In this second week in our series “On Being Human” we get to the topic of men and masculinity. The pivotal questions we shall investigate are: What does it mean to be a man? What is biblical masculinity? How does a man fulfill his God-given calling to be a man? Our study returns us to the garden, where we see God creating man, and establishing him as worker and keeper of the garden. Let’s dive in.

Audio | Genesis 1-3
Oct 18

On Being Created in the Image of God

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

One of the most profound questions we face in life is, “What is a human being?” It is hard to exaggerate the importance of this topic and the far reaching consequences should we get the answer wrong. In light of that, we’re going to take this fall to look at what it means to be human and how that impacts our understanding of relationships, gender and sexuality. Today, in Genesis 1:26-31, we look at what it means to be created in the image of God.

Audio | Genesis 1:26-31
Oct 11

Wandering and Pursuing

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, we complete our study through the letter of James. This letter is one big call to self-evaluation and deeper trust in Jesus. His purpose is to get us to look at different areas of our life and consider what those areas reveal about the actual condition of our hearts and faith. As he closes, he offers a pastoral warning against a wandering faith and encouragement for us to pursue those who are wandering.

Audio | James 5:19-20
Oct 4

The Power of Prayer

, James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We are quickly nearing the end of our study through the eminently practical letter of James, as we study 5:13-18. James urges us to consider the power of prayer. It is important to note that it is not James' purpose to get to us to simply do more. Instead his aim is to get us to move beyond lip service to a whole-hearted, full-throttled, genuine relationship with God.

Audio | James 5:13-18
Sep 27

Build with Patience

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


In James 5:7-12 James offers some pastoral encouragement for those experiencing trial and trouble. He reminds us to be patient until the coming of the Lord, anticipating Jesus' return with hearts set in faith on the Lord who will end all suffering.

Audio | James 5:7-12
Sep 20

The Most Mature Thing We Do

Media, Other Sermons | by Bill Clem

Other Sermons
How do we determine maturity? What does it mean to be mature? Is maturity measured by our most mature act or thought? Or, is maturity measured by the most mature thing we continue to do? Or, is maturity just the matter of doing more mature things than immature things? Or, is maturity just a matter of growing older? What exactly are we aiming for? Today the apostle John, in 1 John 2:12-14, invites us to envision maturity as a process … one that might surprise you.

Audio | 1 John 2:12-14
Sep 13

A Warning to the Rich

, James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We return to our study of James and begin the last chapter, James 5:1-6. James speaks on the topic of money and its potential for being a serious, soul-damaging snare to our soul. This is a deeply personal, yet deeply practical word for us. James' pastoral teaching helps us be honest with ourselves, for our own good, by looking at different areas of our life and revealing what those areas say about the condition of our hearts.

Audio | James 5:1-6
Sep 6

What is Your Life?

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


The letter of James is the oldest, most practical letter in the New Testament. James was an Apostle, pastor and half-brother of Jesus. His letter is filled with pastoral exhortations to “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” (1:22) But, his goal is not merely to put us in our place by telling us what to do. Rather, his aim is to help us be honest with ourselves, for our own good, by showing us that being fully human is not found in doing whatever we want, but in living out of a real, whole- hearted, vital relationship with God. Today, in a very practical and deeply relevant section (4:13-17), James helps us work out how we understand the world and ourselves within it.

Audio | James 4:13-17
Aug 30

He Gives More Grace

James, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in James 4:1-12, we reach the thematic center of the letter. As we’ve seen, James’ major concern for us is that we are growing in a whole-hearted relationship with Jesus. It is easy to think that God is merely after our morality, attendance, niceness or ritual. But, He’s not. He wants us. He wants our hearts. In this section, James offers a spiritual diagnostic of our souls, examines our sinful condition, diagnoses the source, and offers God’s gracious cure.

Audio | James 4:1-12