Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Jan 21

The Glory of God in Human Disability

Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

We are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider consider disability by asking, “Does God have a good design for human disability? If so, what is it?”

Audio | Notes | John 9:1-7
Jan 14

The Gospel and Our Differences

, Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

This morning we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider why/how Jesus’s gospel brings unity amidst our many differences by looking at a case study from the earliest days of the church.

Audio | Notes | Acts 13:1-3
Jan 7

The Glories of God’s Word from A to Z

, Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

We are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider the glories of God’s Word and the all-important question, “This year, what words will most shape me? The words of the world or the words of God?

Audio | Notes | Psalm 119
Dec 31

Joy In The God Of Our Salvation

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. Today, in the last of three sermons through this book, we will see Habakkuk moving from faithful wrestling to patient rejoicing in the God of his salvation – and our salvation.

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 3:1-19
Dec 24

The Glory of Jesus’ Authority

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This morning we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations- even us. Today, we get a glimpse into a day in the life of Jesus in Capernaum, the home base of his public ministry, and powerful insights into the unique glory of his authority. 

Audio | Notes | Luke 4:31-44
Dec 17

God’s New Age Is Dawning

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, Jesus visits the synagogue of his hometown of Nazareth and creates quite a stir by making quite a claim, namely, that in him, God’s new age is dawning.

Audio | Notes | Luke 4:14-30
Dec 10

Jesus, The Uniquely Faithful Son

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to fast and endure temptation. This is the last stage of Jesus’ preparation for public ministry, but why? Let’s dig in.

Audio | Notes | Luke 4:1-13
Dec 3

Jesus, The Hope Of Humanity

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of His own from among the nations—even us. Today, we reach an important turning point in Luke’s Gospel as he presents Jesus’ genealogy. Far from a mere historical curiosity, there are gospel riches for us here.

Audio | Notes | Luke 3:23-38
Nov 26

Let All the Earth Keep Silent

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. How can we hope to live when evil abounds and God looks on? In the second of three sermons through this book, we will wait with Habakkuk on the watchtower to hear God’s reply.

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 1:12-2:20
Nov 19

The Beloved Sin-Bearing Son

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, John the Baptist, along with God the Father, remind us that Jesus is not reducible to a single attribute. In fact, the Real Jesus is far more complex and glorious and worthy and all-satisfying than we might expect.

Audio | Notes | Luke 3:15-22