Downtown Cornerstone Media
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Nov 12

Bearing Repentant Fruit

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, John the Baptist re-enters the story with a surprising, provocative message, declaring that “We must bear fruits in keeping with repentance” as he prepares the way for Jesus, the Messiah. Are you bearing repentant fruit, in Jesus? 

Audio | Notes | Luke 3:1-14
Nov 5

Who Is This?

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, he visits Jerusalem with his parents for Passover as a 12 year old boy and is unknowingly left behind. This unlikely stage becomes the backdrop for his first recorded words and awareness of his identity as the unique Son of God.

Audio | Notes | Luke 2:41-52
Oct 29

Jesus Is Salvation For The Nations

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, Jesus is dedicated at the temple as a baby, we meet Simeon and Anna, and learn for the first time in Luke that Jesus came as a light for Jews and Gentiles.

Audio | Notes | Luke 2:22-40
Oct 22

Glory To God In The Highest

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. Today, Jesus is born, and we learn that God now graciously offers all people, everywhere, peace for his glory. Do you know His peace?

Audio | Notes | Luke 2:1-21
Oct 15

Light To Those In Darkness

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us—in accord with his ancient promises. Today, John is born, and we learn that he was sent by God to prepare the way for the One who offers light to those in darkness.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:57-80
Oct 8

A Work You Would Not Believe

Habakkuk, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis


The prophet Habakkuk asks timeless questions of God, “How can you tolerate evil?”, “Where is justice?”, “Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?” God responds to these questions, but his answers will astound. In the first of three sermons through this book, we will wade into the wanton injustice in Judah and ask with the prophet, “Why do you look idly at wrong?”

Audio | Notes | Habakkuk 1:1-11
Oct 1

He Who Is Mighty Has Done Great Things

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our new series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us—in accord with his ancient promises. Mary and Elizabeth meet for the first time following their separate angelic visitations and praise party breaks out.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:39-56
Sep 24

The Son Of God Is Coming

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our new series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations—even us. These are primary sources which makes them of incomparable worth. Today, we meet Mary, a godly young teen through whom God plans to bring the Son of God, and show the world that with Him all things are possible.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:26-38
Sep 17

Everything Will Be Fulfilled In Time

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our new series in the Gospel of Luke, one of the four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ words and works. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations. These are primary sources making them of incomparable worth. There are no books like these books. Today, we meet Zechariah and Elizabeth, a godly couple facing a tragic circumstance, who God uses to show us that everything will be fulfilled in time.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:5-25
Sep 10

You Can Be Certain

Luke, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We begin a new series in the Gospel of Luke. Luke is one of the four NT Gospel accounts (with Matthew, Mark, and John) of Jesus’ words and works. These are primary sources making them of incomparable worth. In them we learn of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to rescue a people of his own from among the nations. There are no books like these books. In our passage today, 1:1-4, Luke reveals his goal is to give us “certainty concerning the things we’ve been taught.”

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:1-4