Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Feb 23

The Cornerstone

Media, Other Sermons, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Other Sermons

This morning, since it is the first in our new building, we are temporarily pausing our Luke series in order to consider Isaiah 28:16. This passage is one of the most important in the first testament that speaks about God’s promise of a coming cornerstone-our namesake-that will be a sure foundation for His people. For reasons we will discuss, this is a great passage for today. It’s meant to make us consider, “What is the foundation that I am building my life on?”

Audio | Notes | Isaiah 28:16
Feb 2

What About Those Who’ve Never Heard The Gospel?

Media, New Year Essentials 2025, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2025
We are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. During our final week, we usually talk about Jesus’ mission for his church to make disciples of all nations. This morning we ask, “What about those who’ve never heard?”

Audio | Notes | Romans 1-10
Jan 27

Modern Paganism

Media, New Year Essentials 2025, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2025

This morning we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we address a challenging and heated topic. But, Jesus’ people are called to stand up for the weak, marginalized, and defenseless- so we must enter into the fray.

Audio | Notes | Jeremiah 32:26-35
Jan 19

The Incredible Unifying Power of Jesus

, New Year Essentials 2025, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2025

Today we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we’re reminded that the local church is meant to show off the incredible unifying power of Jesus—and we all have a part to play.

Audio | Notes | Acts 15:36 - 16:40
Jan 12

What Is The Bible About?

, Media, New Year Essentials 2025, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2025

We are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we do a heart-thrilling flyover of the entire Bible and ask, “This year, what story will most shape me? The story of the world or the story of God?”

Audio | Notes | Genesis 1 - Revelation 22
Dec 24

Christmas Eve 2024

Christmas, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Merry Christmas! Christmas, from Christ-mass, marks the arrival of Jesus the Christ, the God-Man, who came to seek and save the lost (Lk 19:10). While the stories surrounding his arrival are commonplace, He is not common. There is no one like him, which is why the Apostle Paul described his own ministry as one of proclaiming the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph 3:8). This Christmas Eve, we consider just one of those riches—the glory of Jesus’ humility.

Audio | Philippians 2:5-11
Oct 27

Scripture Alone or Sacred Tradition?

Media, Other Sermons, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Other Sermons

On this Reformation Sunday, we are taking a break from our study in the Gospel of Luke to consider whether the Protestant Reformation is over. Sadly, the answer is “no.” The Reformation continues. The concerns raised with Catholicism remain largely unchanged, as it continues to spread a false gospel. So, how can we help? By standing firm on scripture alone (sola scriptura) as our God-breathed standard.

Audio | Notes | 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Mar 31

The Incomparable Glory of the Risen Jesus

Good Friday & Easter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Good Friday we remembered Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross. Today, on Easter, we celebrate Jesus’ climactic victory over the grave through his resurrection. In our passage today, we get a glimpse into real reality with the incomparable glory of the risen Jesus at the center. It reminds us that no matter what we face, or how bad things may look, the risen Jesus is at work in unimaginable ways.

Audio | Notes | Revelation 1:9-20
Feb 4

Working For The Lord

Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

We are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider how our work relates to God and his purposes in the world. What we’ll see is that all our work matters to God, and God matters to all our work.

Audio | Notes | Colossians 3:22-25
Jan 28

Joy In The City

Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

This morning we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider Jesus’ mission for his people by asking, How does the good news of Jesus spread? What can we learn from that as Jesus’ people in Seattle?

Audio | Notes | Acts 8:1-8