Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Every Square Inch
Aug 3

Jesus and Justice

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Every Square Inch

In the final segment of our six week series, we discuss Jesus and justice. God calls us to be just and merciful to our neighbors and to provide unbegrudgingly to those in need with open hand (Dt 15:7-11). We are motivated to do so by God's incomprehensible mercy and great love, that while we were still dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ (Eph 2:1-2,4-9).

Jul 27

Jesus and Technology

, Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Every Square Inch

In the fifth segment of our six week series, we learn how Jesus shapes our view and use of technology. Technology, or any human activity that uses tools to transform God's creation for a practical purpose, is an extension of God's command to develop the resources of the natural world. After the fall, man's desire to create and advance continued, but in sin we no longer also desire God's glory. Technology becomes our idol and enables a constant distraction without the power of the gospel to set us free. In Christ we see that any claim to power, pleasure, or promise technology may give is a lie, and move it back to it's proper place in our lives.

Jul 13

Jesus and Work

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Every Square Inch

In the third segment of this series, we look at the way Jesus' sovereign lordship shapes the way we work. Work is anything that utilizes the way God has gifted us to cultivate or improve the world around us. From creation, we see that God was the first worker, and gave man a job to continue cultivating the earth. Once man sinned, however, work was cursed, and now we sinfully either make work itself our god, or work only to enable our other gods. The good news is that when Jesus came, he redeemed our work, and through the cross our work finds restoration and the hope of a risen Lord.

Jul 6

Jesus and Art

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Every Square Inch

This morning, in the second week of our new series, we look at the topics of art, beauty, and creativity. God is author of all creation and is the source and inspiration of our creative desires. We were created in God's image to testify of his glory and majesty but due to our sinful, selfish desires, we became allured by a competing beauty. Christ came to redeem us from our fallen state, was pierced for our transgressions, defeated death by rising on the third day, and will return again ushering in the dawn of a new heaven and a new earth in which there is eternal life.

Jun 29

Jesus And Rest

Every Square Inch, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Every Square Inch

This morning we start a new series called Every Square Inch. In the first sermon of this series, we look at Jesus' sovereign lordship over life in the topic of rest. God built time for rest into the created order, but since we sinned, rest has become a subject of idolatry. We either idolize work, and never rest, or idolize rest, and hardly work. Either way, we learn in Matthew 11:28-30 that true rest is not the presence or absence of activity, but a condition of heart that only Jesus can give.

Audio | Matthew 11:28-30