Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Jan 20

A Gospel-Forged People in a Divided Age

, Media, New Year Essentials 2019, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2019

This morning we are continuing our new year essentials sermon series. This series addresses important themes that we must repeatedly return to for the glory of God, the good of others, and our ongoing transformation. Today we are going to consider what it means to be a gospel-forged people in a politically divided age. The big question before us is simple, yet profound: as Jesus’ people, how do we not mirror the divisions in the world, but heal them?

Audio | Notes | Romans 12:9-21
Jan 13

Storing Up God’s Word

, Media, New Year Essentials 2019, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2019

This morning we are beginning a set of annual sermons we refer to as our new year essentials. These sermons address subjects and important themes that we must repeatedly return to for the glory of God and the transformation of our inner and outer lives. These are not, of course, the same sermons. Rather, they are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again and again. We begin our year, and our series, by considering the nature of the Bible and the irreplaceable value of storing it up in our hearts.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 119:11
Jan 6

Training in Grace for Future Glory

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Other Sermons
The passage of time has perennially called God’s Image Bearers to assess and aspire. A new year calls us to consider past experience and future expectations. God, in His wisdom, has given the Church Titus 2 in part so that we may orient ourselves within the reality renewing good news of Grace and the blessed hope of Glory. Today, in Titus 2:11-14, we will consider the nature of this present age and the transformative work preparing us for the appearing of the glory of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Audio | Notes | Titus 2:11-14
Dec 30

Growing in the Fear of the Lord

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Other Sermons
The Bible describes God as an all-good, all-powerful, just, merciful, and loving creator. How are we to understand our lives in view of this God? Through Psalm 34, David shows us that the fear of the Lord is the posture of heart that we should take to understand our experiences. We can praise God in all seasons and trust him to be who he says he is, which is exactly what we need him to be.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 34
Dec 24

Heaven’s Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Songs of Christmas

This evening we are wrapping-up our Advent series, The Songs of Christmas, in which we’ve explored the gospel wonders of Christmas. Each week we considered a different song that emerged around the arrival of God-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ. Today we reach the climactic close with Heaven’s song, recorded in Revelation 5. This song doesn’t originate in Jesus’ coming, but it does explain why he came—and that makes it a great Christmas song.

Audio | Notes | Revelation 5
Dec 23

Jesus’ Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Songs of Christmas

We are currently in a month-long Advent series, The Songs of Christmas, in which we are exploring the gospel wonders of Christmas. Today we reach Jesus’ Song. Of course, we don’t have an actual song recorded that Jesus sang, but if he had a song it would be Psalm 110. This psalm is one of the most important psalms that points to the long-awaited, much anticipated Messiah—whose arrival we are celebrating this week.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 110
Dec 16

The Angels’ Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Songs of Christmas

We are currently in the midst of a month-long Advent series, The Songs of Christmas, in which we are exploring the soul-thrilling wonders of Christmas. Each week we are reflecting on a different biblical song that emerges around the arrival of God-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ. Last week, we considered Zechariah’s Song (Lk. 1:67-80). Today, we will look at The Angels’ Song (Lk. 2:14) sung by a multitude of the heavenly host declaring God’s glory and peace. Let us consider what this means for us this season.

Audio | Notes | Luke 2:14
Dec 9

Zechariah’s Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Songs of Christmas

We are currently in the midst of a month-long Advent series, The Songs of Christmas, in which we are exploring the soul-thrilling wonders of Christmas. Each week we are reflecting on a different biblical song that emerges around the arrival of God-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ. Last week, we considered Mary’s Song (Lk. 1:46-55). Today, we will look at Zechariah’s Song (Lk. 1:67-80) which reveals a new day has dawned for those living in darkness—and anyone can get in on it.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:67-80
Dec 2

Mary’s Song

Media, Sermons, Songs of Christmas | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Songs of Christmas

Today we launch our Advent series titled the “Songs of Christmas.” Our hope is to freshly stir affections around the wonder of the incarnation that Jesus, is Emmanuel God with us! We are asking that the Spirit would take the old- old-story, and blow our minds away with new wonder as we see together how the great Author entered the story that He wrote, to weave us into the epic redemptive story He is still writing. This morning, we begin in Luke 1:46-56, with Mary’s song of faith-filled wonder and joyful submission to the sovereign goodness of God.

Audio | Notes | Luke 1:46-56
Nov 25

Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain

Media, Other Sermons | by Mark Dever

Other Sermons
This morning we have the privilege of being served by Mark Dever. Mark is the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC and the the author of numerous books. Mark is also the president of 9Marks, a ministry that exists to promote healthy churches. Today, Mark will discuss what it means to use the Lord’s name in vain in Deuteronomy 5:11 and how we as Christians are called to be ambassadors for Christ in our words and actions during our daily lives.

Audio | Notes | Deuteronomy 5:11