Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Sep 24

An Undivided Heart For God

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Randy Lundy

Other Sermons

We all experience the tension of priorities. School, family, career, hobbies, relationships – so many things to balance and juggle. And where does God actually fit into all this? The affections of our heart dictate the priorities of our lives and the hope of our soul. We dig into the life of David this morning to answer the primary question – how can we begin to cultivate undivided hearts for God? The answer is in surrender.

Audio | Notes | Acts 13:16-23
Sep 17

Indwelt By Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are concluding our sermon series, “In Christ: What it means to belong to God.” The primary question this series aimed to answer is, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. This relational union is so rich that we’ve taken five weeks to explore it together. Today, we consider how Jesus’ people are not only “in Christ” but Christ is “in them.”

Audio | Notes | Romans 8:9-11
Sep 10

Belonging to Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” Today, in John 17:20-26, we consider how Jesus’ people belong to God and are, therefore, considered one with him.

Audio | Notes | John 17:20-26
Sep 3

Present with Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” Today, in Ephesians 2:4-6, we consider how Jesus’ people are present with him and, therefore, given the privilege of personal access to God.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 2:4-6
Aug 27

Found In Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are continuing our sermon series, “In Christ”. The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. Today, in Galatians 2:20, we consider how Jesus’ people are found in him, personally and profoundly united to him by faith.

Audio | Notes | Galatians 2:20
Aug 20

Represented by Jesus

In Christ: What it means to belong to God, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Christ: What it means to belong to God

This morning we are beginning a brand new sermon series, “In Christ: What it means to belong to God.” The primary question this series aims to answer is, “What does it actually mean to be a Christian?” Or, to put it differently, “What does it mean to belong to God?” The answer is found in our union with Christ. Today, we consider how Jesus represents his people and, in so doing, gives us a new life-proof identity.

Audio | Notes | Romans 5:12-21
May 21

Building Your Life on the Rock

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

Today we are wrapping-up our study through the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. In Matt. 7:24-29, Jesus ends his sermon with a sober call to consider the foundations of our lives. What are we building our lives on?

Audio | Notes | Matthew 7:24-29
May 14

The Narrow and Wide Gates

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 7:13-23, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus nears the end of his sermon and gets serious because the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 7:13-23
May 7

The Golden Rule

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 7:12, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus sums up all his teaching on relationships with the Golden Rule.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 7:12
Apr 30

Judging Others

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 7:1-6, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus confronts our judgmental attitudes, while showing us a better way.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 7:1-6