Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Apr 23

Hope for the Anxious

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 6:25-34, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus gives a series of promises for how we can live free from anxiety and worry in the midst of the everyday.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 6:25-34
Apr 9

Treasures in Heaven

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 6:19-24, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus invites us to consider who, or what, we are living for. What is the greatest treasure of your heart of hearts?

Audio | Notes | Matthew 6:19-24
Apr 2

When You Fast…

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 6:16-18, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus invites us to consider the means of grace (generally) and fasting (in particular). Why do these practices matter? What role do they play in our relationship with God, in Jesus?

Audio | Notes | Matthew 6:16-18
Mar 26

The Lord’s Prayer

, Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 6:5-15, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, in Ma. 6:5-15 (cf. 7:7-11), we reach the center of the sermon. Here Jesus revolutionizes how we understand and approach prayer.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 6:5-15
Mar 12

Loving Your Enemies

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:38-48, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus brings us into one of the most challenging, counter-cultural, other-worldly dynamics of God’s kingdom: loving your enemies.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:38-48
Mar 5

Integrity of Speech

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:33-37, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:33-37
Feb 26

The Good Shepherd

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Other Sermons
This morning we are (unexpectedly) pausing our study through the Sermon on the Mount to consider one of the most personal images Jesus uses to describe how he relates to his people – as the good shepherd. What image comes to mind when you think of Jesus? Maybe, king? Or, savior? Or, friend? What about shepherd? This image has comforted millions of Jesus’ people for over 2,000 years. There is more being communicated here than a mere quaint ancient near east metaphor.

Audio | Notes | John 10:3-4,11-21
Feb 19

Jesus on Marriage and Divorce

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:31-32, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Today, Jesus clarifies the real (and profound) meaning of marriage and how, in light of that, we should view divorce.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:31-32
Feb 12

The War Against Lust

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

We are currently walking through one of the most famous portions of the New Testament, perhaps even the Bible, the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew Chapters 5 – 7. Today, Jesus clarifies the real meaning of God’s command, “Do not commit adultery” and gets real about the war against lust.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:27-30
Feb 5

Murder, Anger, and Reconciliation

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:21-26, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:21-26