Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Jan 29

Greatness in the Kingdom

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by James Rayment

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:17-20, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:17-20
Jan 22

Salt and Life

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:13-16, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Through it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:13-16
Jan 15

A City on a Hill

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:13-16, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:13-16
Jan 8

The Wonder of the Word

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Other Sermons
The Bible: What is it? Why do we need it? To answer that we’re going to look at what is likely the most famous verse about the Bible in the Bible. This is no easy task as our familiarity with the Bible often threatens to drown out the awe it would otherwise evoke. Simply speaking, there is no book like this book. It has changed more lives, in more places, in more ways, over more time, than anything or anyone else.

Audio | Notes | 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Jan 1

A Rejoicing Life: Old Hope, New Year

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Other Sermons
A new year holds unknown possibilities. When you cast your thoughts forward, how does your heart respond? Apprehension, ambition, fear, hopeful expectation? Our text this morning is an inflection point calling us to look back at the amazing salvation Jesus has secured and the life-transforming hope of being placed in a position of indomitable grace. Certain hope has the effect of reorienting our boasting and giving us a new vision for even the darkest of times.

Audio | Notes | Romans 5:1-5
Dec 25

Reviling, Rejoicing, and Your Reward

Media, Sermon on the Mount | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

Merry Christmas! We are currently walking through one of the most famous portions of the New Testament, perhaps even the Bible, Matthew 5-7. It records one of Jesus’ sermons that took place on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee that has come to be known as the Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. rough it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:10-12
Dec 18

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:9, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Through it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:9
Dec 11

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:8, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Through it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:8
Dec 4

Blessed are the Merciful

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:7, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Through it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:7
Nov 27

An Appetite for God

Media, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Sermon on the Mount

This week in Matthew 5:6, we continue our series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. These important words of Jesus reveal the counter-cultural nature and character of the kingdom of God. They are meant to help us live as citizens of God’s kingdom now, under his gracious rule, even while we yet remain in the kingdom of the world. Through it, Jesus reveals the way to true life, joy, and blessing.

Audio | Notes | Matthew 5:6