Downtown Cornerstone Media
Sermon Series  >  Topical
Oct 30

A Table for Many

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Other Sermons
We live in the most connected time in history, yet people feel more isolated and disconnected than ever. This morning we will think through this disconnect and specifically dig into how God, through the redeeming work of Jesus, has called his sons and daughters into a new family – the beauty and value of which can only be fully appreciated and experienced as we are regularly connected in meaningful relationships in which we can know and be known.

Audio | Notes | John 13:34-35
Mar 28

The Lion, The Lamb, and a New People

Good Friday & Easter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Today, on Easter, we gather to celebrate Jesus’ climactic defeat of Satan, sin, and death itself through his bodily resurrection from the grave. To do that we will turn to the fifth chapter of the book of Revelation. In this chapter, the Apostle John pulls back the curtain on reality and gives us insight into what is most real. At its center is the Lion who conquered, the risen Lamb that was slain and a new ransomed people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Audio | Revelation 5
Mar 26

Last Supper

Good Friday & Easter, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Today we remember the murder of Jesus the Christ on a cross. Good Friday marks the day the King of Glory set aside his glory that we might share His glory. God the Father poured out His just wrath on God the Son in our place that we might become sons and daughters. On Good Friday we see the reality of our need for God and rejoice in the reality of God's love for us in Jesus.

Jan 17

On Being Human and the Sanctity of Life

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

One of the most profound questions we face in life is, “What is a human being?” This question lies at the heart of some of the most significant and controversial issues of our day – and the implications are huge. So, over the course of this series we’re laying out a biblical anthropology to explore what it means to be human and how that impacts our understanding of relationships, gender and sexuality. Fortunately, the Bible is not silent on these issues. Today, we look at the sanctity of human life and our role in protecting the most vulnerable among us.

Jan 10

Raising Image Bearers: Practices

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

Today, we look at what it means to be human as we raise image bearers and some practical methods for doing so. Ephesians 4:32; Ephesians 5:2, 25; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9; and Romans 15:7 pertain to concepts of godly parenting: to raise children who fear God and cultivate hearts that trust and love their King. Parenting is an overflow of the heart, and God must be our foundation, example, and goal as our children are formed through our influence on their life.

Audio | Ephesians 4:32; Ephesians 5:2,25; 2 Corinthians 8:7,9; Romans 15:7
Jan 3

An Invitation to Satisfaction

Media, Other Sermons | by Pierce Martin

Other Sermons
This morning we look at what it means to be satisfied. Christianity is about finding our soul's deepest satisfaction in the God who ardently desires to give it to us in Him. Isaiah 55:1-3 expresses God's call to His people to leave that which does not fill for Him who alone satisfies. In Christ God offers us something infinitely better than our own striving- A real and lasting relationship with Him.

Audio | Isaiah 55:1-3
Dec 27

God’s Prodigal Love

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
Imagine God thinking about you. If I asked you what you think God’s feels about you when you come to mind, what would you say? How we answer that question has deep implications for the way we view His love and our relationship with Him. Each of us long to be loved and to experience the deep love of another, yet we all know there’s things that get in the way of being deeply loved and loving others. What we’re going to unpack today out of Luke 15 is how the radical love God has for us, reorients our hearts, emotions, and lives towards living out of our true selves, anchored in all that God is for us in Jesus Christ.

Audio | Luke 15:11-32
Dec 27

The Genealogy of Jesus 
and God’s Stunning Grace

Christmas, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Merry Christmas! Christmas marks the arrival of God in the flesh, in Jesus, over 2000 years ago. Yet, the Christmas story is not merely an irrelevant story of ancient antiquity. It is our story; the story of the world. It is the story of God pursuing those He loves, becoming one of us in order to rescue us. It’s the story of redemption, hope, and salvation. It’s the story of fulfilled promises, changed lives, and amazing grace. Its the story that makes sense of, and gives purpose to, all of our individual stories. That’s what Christmas is about – this too-good-to-be-true news of Jesus. Christmas, of course, isn’t the end of the story, but only the beginning. Ultimately, Christmas makes way for Good Friday and Easter. But, tonight our focus is on the arrival of God, in Jesus – He is Immanuel, God with us.

Audio | Matthew 1:1-16
Dec 20

Raising Image Bearers: Foundations

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

Today we look at what it means to be human as we raise image bearers, i.e. parenting. Proverbs 1:7 and 4:23 instruct on the foundations of parenting: to raise children who fear God and cultivate hearts that trust and love their King. Parenting is an overflow of the heart, and God must be our foundation, example, and goal as our children are formed through our influence on their life.

Audio | Proverbs 1:7; Proverbs 4:23
Dec 13

The Imago Dei and Sexuality

Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

For the past several weeks, we have been laying out a biblical anthropology to explore what it means to be human and how that impacts our understanding of relationships, gender and sexuality. Fortunately, the Bible is not silent on these issues. Today, in our final sermon of the series, we look at what the Bible has to say about human sexuality as designed by God, distorted by sin and redeemed in Jesus.
