description here

EQUIP is designed to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12). In other words, the purpose of EQUIP is to make disciples who make disciples that are anchored in all that God is for them, in Jesus. This one year development track (roughly 52 weeks) is designed to help this happen in the context of small (4-6 people), covenanted, gender-specific groups. These EQUIP groups will meet regularly for discussion of preselected content, scripture, prayer, and sharpening. EQUIP is not intended to be a class, but a context for life-on-life missional discipleship.


Gender specific. Men and women will participate in gender-specific groups.
Covenanted. The participants in each group will covenant to be fully engaged and regularly participate.
Small. 4-6 people (including the leader) by invite only.
Structured. A Field Guide will describe weekly assigned reading, personal projects and discussion questions.
Beyond group. Our hope is that the relationships formed in your EQUIP group would extend beyond your weekly meeting into every day life.


The EQUIP Field Guide contains 52 weeks of discussion guides through 12 different books. The reading list has been specifically chosen to help you experience real transformation in your heart (motives/affections), head (understanding), and hands (action). Topics include: Gospel identity, understanding the Bible, prayer, belonging to a local church, apologetics, fighting sin, and more. For the fullest experience, we recommend each group completes the entire year. However, groups can participate in a customizable way, and it’s possible to do an abbreviated year (e.g. 3, 6, 8 months). Please find the reading list with Amazon links below:

Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books, by Tony Reinke
Who Am I, by Jerry Bridges
What’s Best Next, by Matthew Perman
Knowable Word: Helping Ordinary People Learn to Study, by Peter Krol
Licensed to Kill: A Field Manual for Mortifying Sin, by Brian G. Hedges
Creature of the Word, by Matt Chandler, Eric Geiger, Josh Patterson
You Can Pray, by Tim Chester
Smooth Stones, by Joe Coffey
Church Membership, by Jonathan Leeman
Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know, by Wayne Grudem
The Gospel at Work, by Sebastian Traeger and Greg Gilbert
Servanthood as Worship, by Nate Palmer


The books you’ll read and the reflection papers you’ll write are meant to propel real transformation not merely convey information (though you will learn a lot).  However, this does not happen automatically. It requires a humble, teachable heart that is hungry to learn in the context of meaningful relationships with others who are seeking the same. While each week slightly varies in the amount of reading, the following should be a helpful guide:
• Reading (avg 25 pages/week): 1 hr/wk
• Projects/reflection/ journaling: 1/2-1 hr/wk
• Meeting with your EQUIP group: 1-2 hrs/wk


The EQUIP Field Guide is $10, and new book prices range from $5-$15.  Note: If cost is a concern, used books are usually available and may further help reduce the costs.


Each participant in an EQUIP group will sign a covenant as a sign of their commitment to those in their group to be invested and regularly participate. Before registering, please click here to review the EQUIP covenant.


EQUIP will be launching by invitation, primarily through the avenues of community. If you have been invited to participate or would like to lead an EQUIP group, please complete the registration form below. We will follow up with you with more details and next steps.

Those that have not been invited to a specific EQUIP group may register to be added to the waiting list. If you are added to the waiting list, we will match you to a group leader as they become available (note: space is limited by the amount of approved EQUIP leaders.)


Although we recognize that we are all works in progress, we know that disciples will in many ways mirror their leaders. Therefore, for better or worse, the condition of the heart of a leader is foundational to the fruitfulness of each group. That being the case, the following are the basic qualifications for an EQUIP leader:
• Member of DCC in good standing (Eph 2:19-22)
• Sacrificially giving of time, treasure and talent (Rom 12:1-2)
• Regular participant in our corporate gatherings and involved in a Cornerstone community (Heb 10:24)
• Practicing ongoing commerce with the Gospel and regular time with Jesus in the scriptures (Col 3:16)
• Pursuing holiness and walking in the light with other brothers and sisters (1 John 1:5-10)

If you feel you meet the qualification for leadership above and are interested in leading an EQUIP group, please review this Leadership Guide, apply below, and a Deacon or Elder will follow up with you.

If you have any additional questions, please email


If you are currently participating in an EQUIP Group and are looking for resources, please visit the EQUIP Resources page here.