First Time Visiting
If this is your first time visiting us, welcome! Thanks for checking out our Family Ministries page. We love helping families and consider children a blessing from God; it is our prayer and desire that families would deeply invest in their children so that they may place their faith and hope in Jesus.
What to expect on a Sunday
We currently offer Cornerstone Kids for Nursery (6 months and up), 1–2 yrs, Preschool (i.e. 3–4 yrs), and K–2nd grade. For more information, please email .
Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to sit in the main gathering with their family or caretaker. A comfortable nursing area is also available for nursing mothers near the main entrance.
Parking. All Cornerstone Kids families are invited to find nearby free street parking or park in the adjacent lot behind our building. The Cornerstone Kids entrance is located on the South side of the building and is best accessed using the South Entrance. Find more information on our new building here.
Check-in. Check-in opens at 9:45 am. Cornerstone Kids class starts at 10 am and goes until the end of the gathering (11:30 am). As you enter the CKids gathering space downstairs, a volunteer will be ready to help you check in your child.
Classrooms. For children two years old to 1st, our time together will consist of a Bible lesson, worship, intentional play, Scripture memory, prayer, and activities that reinforce the lesson for the morning. The 1’s class will have a Bible story, worship time and prayer. Nursery children will be cared for through prayer, intentional play, and song.
Check-out. During check-out, you will receive a parent handout to help you reinforce the Bible truths that we learned throughout the week.
Volunteers. Every volunteer with Cornerstone Kids and Youth has submitted an application with references, completed a background check, went through sexual abuse awareness training, Ministry Safe, and has had an orientation with a staff member.
To learn more, please refer to our New Family Packet.
Cornerstone Kids
Our Mission
The mission of Cornerstone Kids (CKids) is to build up the next generation of believers by partnering with parents to cultivate children to know, love, and treasure Jesus. We desire to help equip parents as the primary disciple-makers of their families and are committed to partnering with you to joyfully teach, show, and model who God is and what He has done for us through the person and work of Christ.
What we value
Scripture. We desire to cultivate children who know, love, and treasure Jesus. For this to happen, children must know Jesus as he has been revealed in the pages of Scripture. Our curriculum is saturated with the Bible, and filled with the riches of biblical truth. Children will hear the Scripture, memorize the Scripture, and pray the Scripture.
Prayer. We want to help cultivate in the children a fervent, dependent prayer life that they might understand from a young age that God is personally invested in them and hears their every petition. Every Sunday morning, we set aside specific time for corporate prayer while volunteers also pray over each child. As a team, we are committed to praying for God to work in your family throughout the week.
Worship Through Song. We want kids to grow up setting their hope in God and expressing it in worship through song (Col 3:16). We joyfully sing songs of worship to Jesus, creating an environment where kids are free to express themselves in praise.
Partnership. We believe that God intends for parents/caretakers to be the primary instruments of discipleship in their child’s life (Deut 6:6-7; Eph 6:1-4). Parents disciple and lead their children to Jesus, and we partner by encouraging and resourcing throughout the week, using Sunday gatherings to compliment and propel the disciple-making process.
Community. Children, like adults, desire community. Cornerstone Kids attempts to cultivate lifelong gospel-relationships between the adults and children who meet together on Sundays and throughout the week.
Volunteers. We have carefully and prayerfully chosen volunteers who are committed to faithful, accountable gospel living and can serve as role models for the children. Every volunteer has submitted an application, completed a background check, been trained in child safety protocols, and had an orientation with CKids leads. Moreover, we are committed to provide our volunteers with on-going training and resources to cultivate the best possible environment for children to grow in their faith journey.
Safety. We glorify God by maintaining a safe and secure environment for minors. We want children to be safe while in the care of DCC. To this end, we have a Child Protection Policy that describes and directs our practices for reducing risk to minors by decreasing opportunities for isolation and secrecy and increasing supervision, accountability, and awareness.
Cornerstone Youth
Our Mission
Cornerstone Youth (CYouth) exists to partner with parents in discipling the next generation of youth believers by helping 6th through 12th graders learn to know, trust, and follow Jesus. By God’s grace we aim to help guide the youth through studying God’s Word, developing meaningful discipling relationships, worshipping God in voice and action, and praying together. Everything we do is for the glory of God and the joy of everyone involved.
What we value
In our times together, whether in informal play or in structured learning, the leaders and volunteers strive to reflect the beauty of Christ: to teach, model and show who God is and what He has done for us in Christ.
Bible Study. Cornerstone Youth aims to equip young readers of the Bible with the skills to read inductively, with prayer, asking good questions, studying historical context, seeing it in the larger context of the Biblical metanarrative, and applying the Word to the heart. We want young readers of the Bible to behold its beauty, authority, inerrancy, infallibility, and trustworthiness as a means to draw closer to God.
Prayer. We want to help youth cultivate a fervent, dependent prayer life that they might understand from a young age that God is personally invested in them and hears their every petition. Every gathering, whether informal or structured study, we want to set aside specific time for corporate prayer to model to young ones how to come before the Lord in dependent, faith-filled prayer.
Community. Youth, like adults, desire community. Cornerstone Youth attempts to cultivate lifelong gospel-relationships peer to peer, and between the adults and youth, as they meet together. Our hope is that through play and laughter, youth will build stronger bonds with each other and experience the Creator’s joy and blessing
Service. Our hope is to provide youth the chance to serve the city of Seattle together. This service will help youth uphold the value and dignity of God’s image bearers across the city and see the need for the spread of the Gospel. Our service opportunities will help declare the good news of Jesus Christ and be a display of that good news to our city.
Safety. We glorify God by maintaining a safe and secure environment for minors. We want children to be safe while in the care of DCC. To this end, we have a Child Protection Policy that describes and directs our practices for reducing risk to minors by decreasing opportunities for isolation and secrecy and increasing supervision, accountability, and awareness.
Our unity as a body of Christ shows off the glories of our Lord and Savior, Jesus (1 Cor. 1). To that end, we endeavor to include every person who enters our doors into the life of our church. We would love to welcome you and your family!
We aim to include every person within the worship and ministry of DCC. As such, we do not have a separate classroom for people with disabilities. Rather, we work with family members and volunteers to meaningfully include all in our mission of worship and discipleship.
To accomplish our value of inclusion, we sometimes need to pair a volunteer, a Buddy, with a person who has a disability to support them in fully engaging in discipleship, worship, and fellowship settings. You can learn more about Buddies by reading the volunteer description.
We recognize that including people with disabilities into the life of our church requires humility, creativity, and personal sacrifice. DCC, therefore, is seeking to grow in this area. You can learn more about what the Bible has to say about Disability by checking out this sermon, “The Glory of God in Human Disability”.
For more information, please email .
If you would like your child with a disability to participate in Cornerstone Kids, please email ahead of your visit.
Parenting is not easy, but it is a gift. By God’s grace, He’s given us tremendous resources, and one another, to lean on and learn from as we seek to point our littles to Him. We are praying for you all as you navigate this impossible, yet beautiful, gift of parenting, in Him. Know that you’re not alone. We’re with you and, even better, He is.
Sunday Worship
The following resources are available for guidance during our Sunday gatherings:
- Kids Sunday Worship Guide (For Parents)
- Children and the Worship Service by David and Sally Michael
- Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship by Robbie Castleman
- The Family Together in God’s Presence by John & Noël Piper
- God Made Me for Worship by Jared Kennedy
List of age appropriate Bibles that we recommend:
- The Rhyme Bible (birth+)
- The Big Picture Story Bible (2+ years old)
- The Jesus Storybook Bible (2+ years old)
- The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook (4+ years old)
- As your kids get older (5+ years old) we recommend transitioning to a Bible that sticks closer to the actual text of Scripture, such as ESV Children’s Bible or the ESV Seek and Find.
Books on marriage that we recommend:
- When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage by Dave Harvey
- The Meaning of Marriage by Tim & Kathy Keller
- Love that Lasts: When Marriage Meets Grace by Gary & Betsy Ricucci
There are so many excellent books on parenting. The three we would encourage you to start with if you haven’t yet read any are:
- Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley
- Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Really Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp (start here!)
Other solid books on parenting:
- How Children Raise Parents by Dan Allendar
- Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Fitzpatrick & Thompson
- Tying Their Shoes: A Christ-Centered Approach to Preparing for Parenting by Rob & Stephanie Green
- Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
- Child Proof: Parenting by Faith Not Formula by Julie Lowe
- Successful Christian Parenting by John MacArthur
- Your Family God’s Way by Wayne Mack
- Teach Them Diligently: How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training by Lou Priolo
- God’s Grand Vision for the Home by Rob Rienow
- The Duties of Parents by J.C. Ryle
- Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
When we were studying the book of Proverbs we walked through two sermons specifically on the gift of parenting from a gospel-centered perspective. You can get the audio and notes below:
Family Worship
There are a handful of strong books about and for family discipleship & worship. The three we would encourage you to start with if you haven’t yet read any are:
- Family Worship: In the Bible, in Church History, and in Your Home by Donald Whitney
- Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman
- The New City Catechism (hard copy and app version)
Other solid books about or for family worship:
- Thoughts on Family Worship by J.W. Alexander
- A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home by Jason Helopoulos
- Thoughts to make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones
- Rediscovering the Lost Treasure of Family Worship by Jerry Marcellino
- Helping Children Understand the Gospel by Michaels, Nelson, and Burk
- Everyday Talk: Talking Freely & Naturally About God with Your Children by John Younts
Music Playlists We Love
- DCC Family Hymnal
- Songs from The New City Catechism Playlist
- Seeds Family Worship
- The Gospel Coalition Playlists
Other Free Online Resources
Join the team
If you love helping kids and desire to use your gifting to proclaim the good news of Jesus and make disciples, we would love to have you join our Team!
If you’ve previously served with Cornerstone Kids and are interested in serving again, please email instead.