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The best place to begin your journey with DCC is at our next 30-minute Newcomers’ Coffee. This is an opportunity to meet a pastor, connect with leaders, hear our story, learn what we believe, ask questions, and identify your next steps—along with others who are doing the same. Whether you’re brand new to Seattle, or you’ve been participating with us for a while, this is a great first step. Learn more…

Next Newcomers’ Coffee: Sunday, 5/19, following the gathering


Foundations is the next step for those seeking to learn more about DCC, join a community, begin to serve, be baptized, and become a member. This five-week class covers: (1) what we believe, (2) why we belong, (3) who we are, (4) why we are here, and (5) how we live together. This class is an important relational on-ramp into life with DCC and how to grow with us.* Note: This class is required for membership with DCC. Learn more and register…

Next Foundations Class Begins: Sunday, 4/14 @ 12 pm


Jesus’ local church is a people, not a place. Therefore, it is our prayer that all who consider DCC their home church would be relationally connected, intentionally growing, meaningfully serving, missionally engaged, willingly accountable, and known by a pastor. The New Testament refers to this set of life-giving relational realities as membership. To that end, we invite all those who complete Foundations to become a member of this expression of Jesus’ people by submitting a membership application and meeting with a pastor.


* If you are a skeptic exploring the claims of Christianity, we encourage you to jump in to our Exploring Christianity class instead, which walks through the claims and life of Jesus, and what it means to be a Christian. Learn more and register…


If you have any questions on how to grow with us or how to take the next step, don’t hesitate to reach out.