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Our First Gathering at 2816 1st Ave on February 23 at 10am

Since our earliest days as a church, we have prayed for an opportunity to purchase a permanent building downtown that would serve as a gospel outpost for generations to come. Five years ago this month, we entered into a contract to purchase half of the old Labor Temple, on First and Broad Avenue, to be a permanent home for our church. After months of working with our architect and engineers, finding a contractor, waiting eighteen months for a building permit, navigating almost two years of construction, and experiencing numerous delays along the way, the Lord has brought us to this day when we can finally move into our new home! By God’s grace, we hope to see our new space be a place where we worship God, proclaim the gospel, make disciples, train leaders, build meaningful relationships, plant churches, and love our city to life:

  • A Place to Worship: Our main auditorium fits 600+ seats designed to facilitate corporate worship, so we can gather as one united church family.
  • A Place to Proclaim: Our new building will be a new home to proclaim and teach the life-changing, soul-thrilling gospel to the next generation.
  • A Place to Make Disciples: Many classrooms, meeting/counseling spaces, and common spaces are ready for regional workshops, equipping, training, and 1:1 discipleship.
  • A Place to Connect: The church is ultimately a people, not a place – but our space will help us gather together with additional entrances, common spaces, and a sense of home.
  • A Place to Serve: As those who have been changed by the gospel, we are committed to stewarding our resources – including our new space – for the building up of our city through justice, mercy, and partnership.
  • A Place to Send: As an equipping and sending church, we aim to see many gospel-centered, Jesus-loving, Bible-believing churches planted by equipping and sending brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.


Moving Details/Timeline


  • This upcoming Sunday, 2/9, we’ll have our regular gathering at 10am at our current location, 2333 Western Ave.
  • Throughout the upcoming week, February 9-15, we’ll be packing as much as possible in our current building through ministry-specific work parties. Be on the lookout for invitations from your ministry lead and on church center.


  • On Sunday, Feb 16 at 10am – We’ll have our last Sunday gathering at 2333 Western Ave.
  • Following the gathering, from 12pm–4pm, we’ll pack and load our current space, and unload at our new space.
  • We’ll provide a simple pizza lunch before we begin work for those staying to help move.
  • Even if you can’t stay for the full time, but could stay for part of the afternoon, please plan to join us.
  • Families: If your children are able to meaningfully help, we’d love for older kids (around 10 and up) to stay and lend a hand as we move! However, since our space will quickly become a busy work zone, we kindly ask that little ones head out with you after our shorter fellowship hour. Thank you for understanding, and we can’t wait to welcome them into our new space next week!


SUNDAY 2/23: Our First Gathering In Our New Space, 2816 1st Ave at 10am

We invite you to worship with us as we celebrate Jesus’ grace, kindness, and provision of this new space at 2816 1st Ave, this Sunday, February 23 at 10am. Get directions here.

As with any new transition, we’d encourage you to arrive early to give yourself time to find parking (see below), grab coffee (served until 9:55am), get a seat, greet someone new, and prepare your heart for worship that will begin at 10am.

We have two entrances, the Main Entrance and the South Entrance. Greeters will help direct you when you arrive. Both entrances are on 1st Ave, a short walk from all car parking options (see blue on parking map below).

Main Entrance

South Entrance


Families with young children, those with disabilities, and first-time visitors are encouraged to find easily accessible nearby street parking (in green on the map above). Street parking is free on Sundays, and dozens of parking spots are usually available on the streets surrounding our new building.

Additionally, garage parking is available on the same block behind our building (in purple on the map above), located at 148 Clay Street, starting at 9am.

Note: The Clay Street garage will usually be staffed 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after DCC gatherings and events. Remember to move your car when you leave an event to avoid being locked out of the garage.

Bicyclists: we have requested the city to install bike racks along 1st Ave, but until that has been done – bicycle parking is available in the Clay St. garage.



Children’s Ministry will be provided during the gathering, for children who are 6 months through 2nd grade (learn more here).

When entering from the Main Entrance, turn right into the lobby and head toward the south staircase, or elevator, that will take you to our brand new CKids space. When entering from the South Entrance, use the elevator or walk to the left of the elevator, down the hall, and toward the south staircase on your right.

If you’re coming with a stroller, there will be space to park strollers either in the vestibule of the main entrance, or downstairs at the CKids entrance (just outside the elevators).



After our gathering, we’ll expand our typical Fellowship Hour as an Open House so you check out our new space, from 12pm–2pm. This will give everyone an opportunity to see the entire space and rejoice in God’s provision for us. Coffee and light snacks will be provided in the Commons.



Ways To Continue Praying

Although we are praising the Lord for receiving our certificate of occupancy, we still covet your prayers for several matters:

  • Pray that Jesus would continue to use this project and those who worked on it to draw more men and women to himself.
  • Pray that we would be wise stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, that he would give us wisdom as we make a long list of final decisions, and that the Lord would continue to provide for our every need.



If you’ve yet to enter into the joy of giving to the Lord through our local church, or you are considering how you might leverage a larger gift towards the forward progress of the gospel in Seattle, we’d love to invite you to participate! Every dollar given above our budgeted needs is being set aside to help us move into our new building and further church planting efforts around the globe. Learn more about how you can give here.


Sunday Serving Needs

If you call DCC home and have not yet found a way to serve, you are needed! As a family on mission in the city, we rely on the faithful service of our people to make things run. Please consider serving as we have growing needs for most teams, especially being in a much larger space. Fill out your interest on our serving page here or email .