Downtown Cornerstone Media
Scripture  >  1 Samuel
Feb 16

Faith That Sees God As King

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Ruban Monu

Hebrews 11

This morning, we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through portraits of ancient believers. Today, we consider the faith of Samuel and the prophets. Samuel is an exemplar of the persevering faith of all the prophets. And together, they teach us of a faith that sees God as our King, worthy of our trust—despite appearances to the contrary.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; 1 Samuel 7; 8; 12; 16
Jan 5

Faith in the Deliverer from Fear

Hebrews 11, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Hebrews 11

This morning, we continue our series in Hebrews 11, Living Forward to a Better Country, where the author of Hebrews calls us to faithful endurance through the portraits of ancient believers. Today, we look at a young David who is set apart by faith, rather than the fear of his countrymen, when beholding a fearful enemy. From our text we will learn how to conquer faith-faltering fear through entrusting ourselves to David’s Deliverer.

Audio | Notes | Hebrews 11:32-34; 1 Samuel 17
May 7

Praying for Deliverance

Media, Psalms: Singing in the Dark, Sermons | by Pastor Justin Keogh

Psalms: Singing in the Dark

We continue our series in the Psalms called Singing in the Dark in which we’re focusing on five psalms of David when he was in trouble and distress. Its purpose is to help us learn what it means to look to God to protect us, lead us, and deliver us, in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we look at Psalm 59, where David prays for God’s intervention and deliverance from his enemies. Psalm 59, when understood through Christ, calls and equips us to pray for justice.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 19:8-12
Apr 16

Hiding In A Cave

Media, Psalms: Singing in the Dark, Sermons | by Pastor Russ Collins

Psalms: Singing in the Dark

We continue our series in the Psalms called Singing in the Dark in which we’re focusing on five psalms of David when he was in trouble and distress. Its purpose is to help us learn what it means to look to God to protect us, lead us, and deliver us, in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we find David hiding in a cave from the pursuit of Saul. David shows us that we are to glorify God in our trials by trusting and praising Him.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 57; 1 Samuel 22:1
Apr 2

Betrayed By Friends

Media, Psalms: Singing in the Dark, Sermons | by Pastor Luke Davis

Psalms: Singing in the Dark
We continue our series in the Psalms called Singing in the Dark in which we’re focusing on five psalms of David when he was in trouble and distress. Its purpose is to help us learn what it means to look to God to protect us, lead us, and deliver us, in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we meet David on the run for his life, reckon with fear at losing what we value most, and consider our ultimate help.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 54; 1 Samuel 23:19