Downtown Cornerstone Media
Scripture  >  Acts
Nov 28


Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Jesus promises to be with us as we boldly, yet humbly, proclaim His gospel in a world of unbelief. Unbelief is not a modern, intellectual or personality issue. It is something much deeper. This week we take a closer look at unbelief and Spirit-filled ways to faithfully face it – in your life and the lives of others.

Audio | Acts 4:1-31
Nov 21

The Name of Jesus

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

God is moving in powerful ways so far in the book of Acts. Jesus is saving people from their sin. Lives are being changed daily. The church is declaring and displaying the nature of the gospel. The church is on fire. Amidst this, it is helpful to reflect on our own lives and the life of our church. Is this the kind of thing that is going on in my life and church? Is there passion, joy and thankfulness? Is God showing up? Is Jesus making himself known? Do we believe this could be true of us? God offers all this, and more, in the name of Jesus.

Audio | Acts 3
Nov 15

Everyday Mission

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

This week we wrapped up our series-within-a-series on True Christianity as depicted in Acts 2:40-47. So far we’ve seen that true Christianity results in a redeemed community, with an immovable commitment to truth, and is marked by joyous worship. Lastly, today, true Christianity embraces everyday mission. Amazingly, he uses redeemed sinners to point sinners-in-need-of-redemption to the Redeemer.

Audio | Acts 2:40-47
Nov 7

Joyous Worship

, , Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

This morning we are continuing to work our way through a short series (True Christianity), within a larger series (Acts: The Story Continues), based on Acts 2:40-47. We’re taking additional time here because this passage gives us insight into four vital signs (i.e. signs of life) for every Christian church and every Christian. This week, we’ll see that true Christianity is marked by a deep and joyous worship of Jesus.

Audio | Acts 2:40-47
Oct 31

Immovable Truth

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We are taking five weeks to unpack true Christianity from the first authoritative account of the first Christian church recorded in Acts 2:40-47. This week we get insight into the second of four “vital signs” (i.e. signs of life) of true Christianity: immovable truth. True Christianity has an immovable commitment to God’s truth, revealed in the Bible and summed up in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Audio | Acts 2:40-47
Oct 23

Redeemed Community

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 2:40-47, we have the first authoritative description of the first Christians and, in turn, true Christianity. Therefore, we are taking five weeks to unpack true Christianity. This week we get insight into the first of four “vital signs” of true Christianity: redeemed community. True Christianity results in a new community identity, new devotion and a new character.

Audio | Acts 2:40-47
Oct 17

True Christianity

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 2:40-47, we have the first authoritative description we have of the first Christians. They not only describe what happened but help us examine ourselves. Amidst the cultural confusion about what Christianity actually is, here we get insight into true Christianity. True Christianity is God-initiated, Jesus-centered, and person-changing.

Audio | Acts 2:40-47
Oct 10

Jesus is Lord and Savior

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 2:14-41, Peter stands up on the Day of Pentecost to preach the first post-ascension, Holy Spirit-empowered Christian sermon to a crowd of unbelieving Jews. Rather than appealing to emotion, Peter directs their attention to the facts of fulfilled prophecy and the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all who believe.

Audio | Acts 2:14-41
Oct 4

The Holy Spirit

, Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 2:1-13, Jesus’ disciples receive the much anticipated and long-awaited promise of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Here we see the Holy Spirit is new power, that brings a new message and forms a new people. This is instructive for us as a newly forming, Jesus-loving, Spirit-filled people in the city.

Audio | Acts 2:1-13
Sep 26

Preparing Your Life to be Used by Jesus

Acts, Media, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

In Acts 1:9-26 Jesus prepares his first band of followers (120) for His mission by rooting them in the gospel, meeting them in prayer and appointing leaders for the mission. In this, we too can learn how to prepare our lives to be used by Him. Next week: the Spirit comes.

Audio | Acts 1:9-26