Downtown Cornerstone Media
Scripture  >  Philippians
Dec 7

The Humble Servant

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor David Parker


This week, in Philippians 2:1-11, Paul continues the theme of love and unity, but directs our attention to Christ, as the perfect example of humility and sacrificial love. Because of Christ’s example, we can not only have confidence in his work on our behalf, but we can also take comfort in knowing the whole reason that we celebrate Christ at Christmas is because He was, is, and will always be the perfect God man. It’s easy to find joy in the superficial, but our true Joy will only be found when we recognize the humility and service of our great God and King.

Audio | Philippians 2:1-11
Dec 1

A Life Worthy Of The Gospel

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


There is a direct correlation between what we value most and how we live. That is why the bible never begins with our behavior, but always with our hearts. In Philippians 1:27-30 Paul exhorts us to, “let our manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ”. We are called to live lives that display the supreme worth and incomparable beauty of Jesus, so that we might stand together in the unity of the Holy Spirit, striving for the spread of the Gospel.

Audio | Philippians 1:27-30
Nov 23

To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Today, in Philippians 1:12-26, we see the great over-arching truth that ties the entire letter together. In many ways this section is a bit like a journal entry in which Paul pulls back the curtain of his heart and reveals his greatest treasure, deepest hope, and highest good – his very life. If we’re paying attention, this should cause some healthy, personal evaluation on our part. What are we living for? If we pull back the curtain over our hearts, what is it that we are really after in this life? What is our greatest treasure?

Audio | Philippians 1:12-26
Nov 16

Gospel-shaped Thanksgiving and Prayer

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


Life is often complicated, messy, and unpredictable. Brokenness has been a part of the human landscape from the beginning. In Philippians 1:3-11 Paul demonstrates an attitude rich with gospel-shaped thanksgiving and prayer for the church during the worst of personal circumstances. He reminds us again and again that we don't merely need new circumstances but a durable hope and joy that reaches beyond our situation. Cultivating a heart that is joyful requires continual reflection and application of the gospel, commitment to those partnering in the Christian walk, finding comfort in God's persevering grace, and abounding in love and excellence for the glory of God.

Audio | Philippians 1:3-11
Nov 9

Saints, Servants, and Shepherds

Media, Philippians, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


If there was ever a letter written to stir Jesus’ people to joy, hope and confidence – even amidst the worst of circumstances – it is Philippians. Paul writes to show us that the gospel, and all of its implications, not only transcends human divisions but also our circumstances. That is what makes this letter a favorite for many. Yet, at the very same time, Paul’s words here are deeply challenging. How is it possible for Paul to be so positive amidst such dire circumstances? How is it possible for him to write with such warmth, joy and sincerity from prison? Is he being real? What does he have that we, too often, don’t seem to have? We get an answer to that in the first two lines of his letter.

Audio | Philippians 1:1-2
Jan 5

How the Surpassing Worth of Christ Shapes our Future

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
When it comes to the future most of us like the idea of being at a future destination, but we don’t necessarily like the process of getting there. It’s the prize that motivates us to persevere to push on. What we unpack this morning in Philippians 3 is that the same attitude is true with our spiritual journey. We often can envision ourselves at a future reality, a better place, but how do we get there? More importantly, how does knowing the surpassing worth of Christ instruct us and guide us on that journey?

Audio | Philippians 3:12-14
Dec 29

How the Surpassing Knowledge of Christ Shapes our Past

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
We all have a past, it’s unavoidable. Everyday we make decision in light of what we believe is true, and what will often bring us the most joy and happiness. But we can also hold onto our past, live in fear of our past, or live trying to make up for the past. The only way we can let go of and put our past in perspective, is by letting the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, His righteousness, His suffering, and His resurrection, shape, and interpret all of our past success, failures, and the failures of others. Today Pastor David Parker uses Phillipians 3:7-11 to guide us in our understanding of knowing Christ's power in our lives.

Audio | Philippians 3:7-11