Downtown Cornerstone Media
Scripture  >  Psalms
May 1

Resting in God’s Sovereign Goodness

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Psalms: Songs for Life

Last week, we began a brand new 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. For millennia, the Psalms have served as the songbook for God’s people. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and jolt us out of our complacency to revel in the majesty of God. This morning, we continue with Psalm 2 as the psalmist beautifully and poetically calls us to joyfully trust in the sovereign goodness of the rule and reign of Jesus.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 2
Apr 24

Planted in God

Media, Psalms: Songs for Life, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Psalms: Songs for Life

This morning we are beginning a brand new 10-week study through the Psalms – one of the most beloved books of the Bible. For millennia, the Psalms have served as the songbook for God’s people. The Psalms teach us to pray, to sing, and jolt us out of our complacency to revel in the majesty of God. They speak to us as whole people as they inform our minds, stir our affections, direct our steps, and capture our imaginations. They are perpetually popular because they are perpetually relevant, speaking to every area of life. In this way, they are songs for life; songs that give us words for how to go to God with life and all that it throws at us. This morning, we begin in Psalm 1.

Audio | Notes | Psalm 1
Nov 29

Thankfulness: The Heart of Worship

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Other Sermons

God has hard wired us to be grateful people. Yet, by nature, we lean toward complaining, grumbling, and self-absorption. That pull is so strong that we need something outside ourselves to fight against it. Today, we will unpack Psalm 69:29-34 to find God's perspective on thankfulness, grumbling, and complaining.

Audio | Psalm 69:29-34
Jun 24

His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Media, Other Sermons

There is one thing in the world, one thing, that if we knew for certain, would absolutely change the way we went about everything in life. One thing, that if we could be certain about it, would bring about so much more clarity and peace about everything else in life. And that one thing is this: Does God love me?

Audio | Psalm 107