Downtown Cornerstone Media
Topic  >  Ethnic Harmony
Jan 19

The Incredible Unifying Power of Jesus

, New Year Essentials 2025, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2025

Today we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we’re reminded that the local church is meant to show off the incredible unifying power of Jesus—and we all have a part to play.

Audio | Notes | Acts 15:36 - 16:40
Jan 14

The Gospel and Our Differences

, Media, New Year Essentials 2024, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2024

This morning we are returning to an annual sermon series we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of our lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider why/how Jesus’s gospel brings unity amidst our many differences by looking at a case study from the earliest days of the church.

Audio | Notes | Acts 13:1-3
Jan 16

Is Christianity Against Diversity?

, Media, New Year Essentials 2022, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2022

We are continuing a set of annual sermons we refer to as our new year essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we consider the question, “Is Christianity against diversity?” Is Christianity, as is increasingly claimed, merely a white, western, patriarchal religion, used to oppress?

Audio | Notes | Romans 15:7-13
Dec 5

A Prayer to the God of Steadfast Encouragement

, Media, Romans, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


We continue our study of the most influential, life-changing, worldview-shaping letter ever written: Romans. It is a timeless, divinely-inspired masterpiece on the joy-filled-life-as-it-should-be freedom found in Jesus alone. For eleven chapters, Paul unfolds the heights and depths of the gospel of Jesus. Then, in chapters 12-13, he applies God’s gospel-forged mercies to our many relationships. Then, in closing, 14:1 – 15:13, he surprisingly turns to address the importance of “harmony” among Jesus’ people amidst our many differences.

Audio | Notes | Romans 15:5-6
Jan 24

How Fear Separates Us

, Media, New Year Essentials 2021, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

We continue a set of annual sermons we refer to as our new year essentials. These sermons address subjects to which we must repeatedly return for the glory of God and the transformation of lives. These are not, of course, the same sermons. Rather, they are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, we will consider how fear separates us, especially when it comes to racial reconciliation.

Audio | Notes | 1 John 4:7-21
Jan 19

God’s New Humanity

, Media, New Year Essentials 2020, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2020

We are continuing a set of annual sermons we refer to as our New Year Essentials. These sermons address subjects and important themes that we must repeatedly return to for the glory of God and the transformation of our inner and outer lives. These are not, of course, the same sermons. Rather, they are different sermons, taking different angles, on issues we need to come back to again-and-again. Today, in Ephesians 2:11-22, we consider the new humanity that God is forging, in Christ, and our role displaying it.

Audio | Notes | Ephesians 2:11-22
Jan 20

A Gospel-Forged People in a Divided Age

, Media, New Year Essentials 2019, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2019

This morning we are continuing our new year essentials sermon series. This series addresses important themes that we must repeatedly return to for the glory of God, the good of others, and our ongoing transformation. Today we are going to consider what it means to be a gospel-forged people in a politically divided age. The big question before us is simple, yet profound: as Jesus’ people, how do we not mirror the divisions in the world, but heal them?

Audio | Notes | Romans 12:9-21
Jan 14

The Racism-Crushing Gospel

, Media, New Year Essentials 2018, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

New Year Essentials 2018
This morning we’re continuing to walk through a set of five standalone sermons which we’re informally calling our ‘new year essentials.’ Today, we’ll wade into the rough waters of racial trauma in our country and our response to it, as followers of Jesus. This topic is messy, controversial, and filled with sorrow — which is exactly why we need to discuss it. My hope is that we would be equipped as a Jesus-saturated, bible centered, multi-ethnic people in a divided world in need of help and healing. Let’s dive in together…

Audio | Notes