We exist to know Jesus, and to make Him known, for the glory of God and the joy of all people.
We envision thousands of people from every corner of the city united under a new identity in Jesus and sent to love, serve and challenge the city…and the cities of the world. Out of personal gospel renewal, urban renewal will flow, as the very spiritual, social and cultural fabric of Seattle is redeemed. To achieve this, our prayerful aim is to create a movement of autonomous gospel-centered churches in every neighborhood of the city. Through the city, we’ll reach the world.
Our 10 Core Convictions help to capture the essence of who we are as Jesus’ people in Seattle. They don’t say everything (see our Statement of Faith for that), but they do help create culture-making categories that clarify who we are seeking to be as Jesus’ people. These convictions are a simple summation of how the Scripture describes what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
God-Centered: Defined by God
Jesus-Treasuring: Abiding in Jesus
Spirit-Empowered: Indwelt by the Spirit
Bible-Saturated: Governed by God’s Word
Prayer-Filled: Dependent in prayer
Mission-Driven: Relentless in mission
Disciple-Making: Devoted to discipleship
Church-Focused: Dedicated to the local church
People-Loving: Welcoming every neighbor
City-Renewing: Committed to the city
To learn more about our 10 Core Convictions, check out our sermon series titled First Things.