We exist to know Jesus, and to make Him known, for the glory of God and the joy of all people.

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Downtown Cornerstone is primarily a people, not a place. We are real people, asking real questions, worshiping the real God. Whether you already follow Jesus or are seeking to know what that means, you can expect to receive a warm welcome.

Sundays @ 10AM
2816 1st Ave, Seattle

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We are committed to partnering with you to joyfully teach and model who God is and what He has done for us. Learn more about our Cornerstone Kids ministry and grades currently offered.

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Latest Sermons

Prayer is Never Pointless (Luke 11:5-13)

He does this by calling us to three crucial prayer postures—to pray persistently, pray boldly, while praying to the very best Father. More »

The Disciples' Prayer (Luke 11:1-4)

Contrary to popular thought, this prayer is not a mantra to be repeated, but a model for what a healthy prayer life looks like—not merely to pray better, but to know God better. More »

Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

Surprisingly, and contrary to how it is often taught, this story compels us to prioritize our inner world, in relationship with Jesus, over the activity of our outer world. More »

The Cornerstone (Isaiah 28:16)

For reasons we will discuss, this is a great passage for today. It's meant to make us consider, "What is the foundation that I am building my life on?" More »

Faith That Sees God As King (Hebrews 11:32-34; 1 Samuel 7; 8; 12; 16)

Samuel is an exemplar of the persevering faith of all the prophets. And together, they teach us of a faith that sees God as our King, worthy of our trust—despite appearances to the contrary. More »