Downtown Cornerstone Media
Scripture  >  Luke
Nov 11

The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus

Media, Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, Sermons | by Pastor Craig Sturm

Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality

Today, we reach the Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus, found in Luke 16:19-31. In this unique parable Jesus is soberly calling us to examine our lives in regards to what we value the most; what we are truly living for; and what that says about the condition of our hearts.

Audio | Notes | Luke 16:19-31
Oct 28

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Media, Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality

Today, we reach the Parable of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11-32. This parable, is among the most influential and loved of all of Jesus’ parables. It’s a beautiful story, but its not merely a story. Ultimately, this parable is a life-changing and soul-thrilling window into God’s compassion for lost sinners—like you and I.

Audio | Notes | Luke 15:11-32
Oct 21

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Media, Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality

This morning we are continuing our series, The Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, in which we are exploring ten of Jesus’ most famous parables. Today, in the Parable of the Rich Fool (Lk. 12:13-21), Jesus invites us to consider where we believe life is found and challenges commonly held assumptions about the role of material possessions. If life does not consist in the abundance of our things then in what does it consist?

Audio | Notes | Luke 12:13-21
Oct 14

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Media, Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Parables of Jesus: Windows into Reality

Today, we reach the Parable of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10:25-37. This is one of Jesus’ best known and most loved parables but it may also be one of his most misunderstood. As we’ll see, this is not ultimately a story about showing grace to those in need, but a story that highlights our need for grace.

Audio | Notes | Luke 10:25-37
Sep 9

The Gospel to the Nations

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons

What is the mission of the church? What does it mean to go and make disciples? How do we do that and how does God want to use us in those endeavors? As we look at Luke 24:44-49 and answer those questions — my prayer is that we will see from Scripture, that we exist to declare and display the glory of God, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by living sent lives to those across the street and around the world, for the establishing and building up of His local church among the nations.

Audio | Notes | Luke 24:44-49
Dec 27

God’s Prodigal Love

Media, Other Sermons | by Pastor David Parker

Other Sermons
Imagine God thinking about you. If I asked you what you think God’s feels about you when you come to mind, what would you say? How we answer that question has deep implications for the way we view His love and our relationship with Him. Each of us long to be loved and to experience the deep love of another, yet we all know there’s things that get in the way of being deeply loved and loving others. What we’re going to unpack today out of Luke 15 is how the radical love God has for us, reorients our hearts, emotions, and lives towards living out of our true selves, anchored in all that God is for us in Jesus Christ.

Audio | Luke 15:11-32
Dec 6

Singleness and the Mystery of Christ

, Media, On Being Human, Sermons | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

On Being Human

One of the most profound questions we face in life is, “What is a human being?” This question lies at the heart of some of the most significant and controversial issues of our day – and the implications are huge. So, this fall, we’re laying out a biblical anthropology to explore what it means to be human and how that impacts our understanding of relationships, gender and sexuality. Fortunately, the Bible is not silent on these issues. Today, we look at what the Bible has to say about singleness.

Audio | Matthew 19:11-12; Luke 20:34-36; 1 Corinthians 7:6-9